Android Studio啟動時報錯 Emulator: emulator: ERROR: OpenGLES emulation failed to initialize.
Android Studio啟動模擬器報錯
Emulator: emulator: ERROR: OpenGLES emulation failed to initialize.
問題原因是我使用了 Nexus 5X and Nexus 5 模擬器,而這兩個映象會強制設定 “Emulated Performance” 為 “Automatic Graphics”。
換一個模擬器,然後修改 “Emulated Performance” 為 “Software graphics”,比如使用 “Pixel XL”。
Android Studio啟動時報錯 Emulator: emulator: ERROR: OpenGLES emulation failed to initialize.
問題描述 Android Studio啟動模擬器報錯 Emulator: emulator: ERROR: OpenGLES emulation failed to initialize. 問題原因 問題原因是我使用了 Nexus 5X and Nexus 5 模擬器,
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