1. 程式人生 > >筆記五:線性表——單鏈表表示



注意: firstnode指的就是第一個節點,而不是一個指向第一個節點的指標。


using namespace std;

template<typename T>
struct chainNode
    T element;
    chainNode*  next;

    chainNode() {};
    chainNode(const T& element) { this->element = element; };
    chainNode(const T& element, chainNode<T>* next) { this
->element = element; this->next = next; }; }; template<typename T> class linearList { public: virtual ~linearList() {}; //解構函式 virtual bool empty() const = 0; //返回true,當且僅當線性表為空 virtual int size() const = 0; //返回線性表的元素個數 virtual T& get(int theIndex) const
= 0; //返回索引為theIndex的元素 virtual int indexOf(const T& theElement) const = 0; //返回元素theElement第一次出現時的索引 virtual void erase(int theIndex) = 0; //刪除索引為theIndex的元素 virtual void insert(int theIndex, const T& theElement) = 0; //把theElement插入線性表中索引為theIndex的位置 virtual
void output() const = 0; //把線性表插入的輸出流out }; template<typename T> class Chain : public linearList<T> { public: Chain(int initialCapacity = 10); Chain(const Chain<T>&); ~Chain(); bool empty() const { return listSize == 0; } int size() const { return listSize; } T& get(int theIndex) const; int indexOf(const T& theElement) const; void erase(int theIndex); void insert(int theIndex, const T& theElement); void output() const; private: int listSize; chainNode<T>* firstnode; }; template<typename T> Chain<T>::Chain(int initialCapacity) { if (initialCapacity < 1) { cout << "初始化容量小於1,不正確!" << endl; exit(-1); } firstnode = NULL; listSize = 0; } template<typename T> Chain<T>::Chain(const Chain<T>& theList) { this.listSize = theList.listSize; if (listSize == 0) { firstnode = NULL; return; } chainNode<T>* pt = theList->firstnode, *curr=NULL; fisrtnode = new chainNode<T>(pt->element); //複製源節點 curr = firstnode; while (pt != NULL) { curr->next = new chainNode<T>(pt->element); pt = pt->next; curr = curr->next; } curr->next = NULL; } template<typename T> Chain<T>::~Chain() { chainNode<T>* delnode = firstnode; while (firstnode!= NULL) { firstnode = firstnode->next; delete delnode; delnode = firstnode; } listSize = 0; } template<typename T> T& Chain<T>::get(int theIndex) const { if (theIndex < 0 || theIndex >= listSize) { cout << "theIndex: " << theIndex << "不正確!" << endl; exit(-1); } chainNode<T>* pt = firstnode; int num = 0; while (num != theIndex) { pt = pt->next; ++num; } return pt->element; } template<typename T> int Chain<T>::indexOf(const T& theElement) const { if (listSize == 0) { cout << "線性表為空表,故返回下標-1" << endl; return -1; } chainNode<T>* pt = firstnode; int num = 0; while (num < listSize) { if (pt->element == theElement) { break; } pt = pt->next; ++num; } if (num >= listSize) { cout << "線性連結串列中不存在該元素,故返回下標: " << endl; return -1; } return num; } template<typename T> void Chain<T>::erase(int theIndex) { if (theIndex < 0 || theIndex >= listSize) { cout << "下標不線上性連結串列長度範圍內!" << endl; exit(-1); } chainNode<T>* pt = firstnode, *curr = NULL; if (theIndex == 0) //刪除firstnode節點 { curr = firstnode; firstnode = firstnode->next; } else{ int num = 0; while (num < theIndex - 1) { pt = pt->next; num++; } curr = pt->next; //theIndex指向的刪除節點 pt->next = curr->next; //刪除節點的前一節點轉指向刪除節點的後一節點 } --listSize; delete curr; } template<typename T> void Chain<T>::insert(int theIndex, const T& theElement) { if (theIndex<0 || theIndex > listSize) { cout << "節點插入的下標不正確!" << endl; exit(-1); } if (theIndex == 0) { firstnode = new chainNode<T>(theElement, firstnode); } else{ chainNode<T> * pt = firstnode, *curr = NULL; int num = 0; while (num < theIndex -1) { pt = pt->next; num++; } curr = pt->next; //theIndex所在的線性連結串列中的節點 chainNode<T>* newchainNode = new chainNode<T>(theElement); newchainNode->next = curr; pt->next = newchainNode; } ++listSize; } template<typename T> void Chain<T>::output() const { if (listSize == 0) cout << "線性連結串列為空表!" << endl; else{ cout << "線性連結串列輸出為:"; chainNode<T>* pt = firstnode; while (pt != NULL) { //pt = firstnode->next; cout << pt->element << " "; pt = pt->next; } cout << endl; } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Chain<int> chain; chain.output(); cout << "size = " << chain.size() << endl; cout << "\n****************" << endl; chain.insert(0, 0); chain.output(); cout << "size = " << chain.size() << endl; cout << "\n****************" << endl; chain.insert(1, 1); chain.insert(2, 2); chain.output(); cout << "size = " << chain.size() << endl; cout << "\n****************" << endl; chain.insert(0, 3); chain.insert(2, 4); chain.output(); cout << "size = " << chain.size() << endl; cout << "\n****************" << endl; chain.erase(0); chain.erase(1); chain.output(); cout << "size = " << chain.size() << endl; cout << "\n****************" << endl; cout << "when elemtn = 2 , the index is :" << chain.indexOf(2) << endl; cout << "\n****************" << endl; chain.insert(0, 3); chain.output(); cout << "size = " << chain.size() << endl; cout << "when index = 2 , the elemnt is :" << chain.get(2) << endl; chain.~Chain(); return 0; }
