1. 程式人生 > >Kubernetes23--kube-scheduler原始碼--優選過程分析





priorityList, err := PrioritizeNodes(pod, g.cachedNodeInfoMap, metaPrioritiesInterface, g.prioritizers, filteredNodes, g.extenders)


func PrioritizeNodes(
	pod *v1.Pod,
	nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo,
	meta interface{},
	priorityConfigs []algorithm.PriorityConfig,
	nodes []*v1.Node,
	extenders []algorithm.SchedulerExtender,
) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error)


// PrioritizeNodes prioritizes the nodes by running the individual priority functions in parallel.
// Each priority function is expected to set a score of 0-10
// 0 is the lowest priority score (least preferred node) and 10 is the highest
// Each priority function can also have its own weight
// The node scores returned by the priority function are multiplied by the weights to get weighted scores
// All scores are finally combined (added) to get the total weighted scores of all nodes


func PrioritizeNodes(
	pod *v1.Pod,
	nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo,
	meta interface{},
	priorityConfigs []algorithm.PriorityConfig,
	nodes []*v1.Node,
	extenders []algorithm.SchedulerExtender,
) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error) {
	// If no priority configs are provided, then the EqualPriority function is applied
	// This is required to generate the priority list in the required format
	if len(priorityConfigs) == 0 && len(extenders) == 0 {
		result := make(schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, 0, len(nodes))
		for i := range nodes {
			hostPriority, err := EqualPriorityMap(pod, meta, nodeNameToInfo[nodes[i].Name])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			result = append(result, hostPriority)
		return result, nil

	var (
		mu   = sync.Mutex{}
		wg   = sync.WaitGroup{}
		errs []error
	appendError := func(err error) {
		defer mu.Unlock()
		errs = append(errs, err)

	results := make([]schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, len(priorityConfigs), len(priorityConfigs))

	// DEPRECATED: we can remove this when all priorityConfigs implement the
	// Map-Reduce pattern.
		for i := range priorityConfigs {
		if priorityConfigs[i].Function != nil {
			go func(index int) {
				defer wg.Done()
				var err error
				results[index], err = priorityConfigs[index].Function(pod, nodeNameToInfo, nodes)
				if err != nil {
		} else {
			results[i] = make(schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, len(nodes))

	workqueue.ParallelizeUntil(context.TODO(), 16, len(nodes), func(index int) {
		nodeInfo := nodeNameToInfo[nodes[index].Name]
		for i := range priorityConfigs {
			if priorityConfigs[i].Function != nil {

			var err error
			results[i][index], err = priorityConfigs[i].Map(pod, meta, nodeInfo)
			if err != nil {
				results[i][index].Host = nodes[index].Name

	for i := range priorityConfigs {
		if priorityConfigs[i].Reduce == nil {
		go func(index int) {
			defer wg.Done()
			if err := priorityConfigs[index].Reduce(pod, meta, nodeNameToInfo, results[index]); err != nil {
			if klog.V(10) {
				for _, hostPriority := range results[index] {
					klog.Infof("%v -> %v: %v, Score: (%d)", util.GetPodFullName(pod), hostPriority.Host, priorityConfigs[index].Name, hostPriority.Score)
	// Wait for all computations to be finished.
	if len(errs) != 0 {
		return schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}, errors.NewAggregate(errs)

	// Summarize all scores.
	result := make(schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, 0, len(nodes))

	for i := range nodes {
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: nodes[i].Name, Score: 0})
		for j := range priorityConfigs {
			result[i].Score += results[j][i].Score * priorityConfigs[j].Weight

	if len(extenders) != 0 && nodes != nil {
		combinedScores := make(map[string]int, len(nodeNameToInfo))
		for i := range extenders {
			if !extenders[i].IsInterested(pod) {
			go func(extIndex int) {
				defer wg.Done()
				prioritizedList, weight, err := extenders[extIndex].Prioritize(pod, nodes)
				if err != nil {
					// Prioritization errors from extender can be ignored, let k8s/other extenders determine the priorities
				for i := range *prioritizedList {
					host, score := (*prioritizedList)[i].Host, (*prioritizedList)[i].Score
					if klog.V(10) {
						klog.Infof("%v -> %v: %v, Score: (%d)", util.GetPodFullName(pod), host, extenders[extIndex].Name(), score)
					combinedScores[host] += score * weight
		// wait for all go routines to finish
		for i := range result {
			result[i].Score += combinedScores[result[i].Host]

	if klog.V(10) {
		for i := range result {
			klog.Infof("Host %s => Score %d", result[i].Host, result[i].Score)
	return result, nil


// If no priority configs are provided, then the EqualPriority function is applied
	// This is required to generate the priority list in the required format
	if len(priorityConfigs) == 0 && len(extenders) == 0 {
		result := make(schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, 0, len(nodes))
		for i := range nodes {
			hostPriority, err := EqualPriorityMap(pod, meta, nodeNameToInfo[nodes[i].Name])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			result = append(result, hostPriority)
		return result, nil
// EqualPriorityMap is a prioritizer function that gives an equal weight of one to all nodes
func EqualPriorityMap(_ *v1.Pod, _ interface{}, nodeInfo *schedulercache.NodeInfo) (schedulerapi.HostPriority, error) {
	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	if node == nil {
		return schedulerapi.HostPriority{}, fmt.Errorf("node not found")
	return schedulerapi.HostPriority{
		Host:  node.Name,
		Score: 1,
	}, nil



// DEPRECATED: we can remove this when all priorityConfigs implement the
	// Map-Reduce pattern.
		for i := range priorityConfigs {
		if priorityConfigs[i].Function != nil {
			go func(index int) {
				defer wg.Done()
				var err error
				results[index], err = priorityConfigs[index].Function(pod, nodeNameToInfo, nodes)
				if err != nil {
		} else {
			results[i] = make(schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, len(nodes))
// PriorityFunction is a function that computes scores for all nodes.
// Use Map-Reduce pattern for priority functions.
type PriorityFunction func(pod *v1.Pod, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, nodes []*v1.Node) (schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, error)

新版本使用Map-Reduce模式來實現  map過程啟動16個程序

workqueue.ParallelizeUntil(context.TODO(), 16, len(nodes), func(index int) {
		nodeInfo := nodeNameToInfo[nodes[index].Name]
		for i := range priorityConfigs {
			if priorityConfigs[i].Function != nil {

			var err error
			results[i][index], err = priorityConfigs[i].Map(pod, meta, nodeInfo)
			if err != nil {
				results[i][index].Host = nodes[index].Name

	for i := range priorityConfigs {
		if priorityConfigs[i].Reduce == nil {
		go func(index int) {
			defer wg.Done()
			if err := priorityConfigs[index].Reduce(pod, meta, nodeNameToInfo, results[index]); err != nil {
			if klog.V(10) {
				for _, hostPriority := range results[index] {
					klog.Infof("%v -> %v: %v, Score: (%d)", util.GetPodFullName(pod), hostPriority.Host, priorityConfigs[index].Name, hostPriority.Score)


// PriorityMapFunction is a function that computes per-node results for a given node.
// TODO: Figure out the exact API of this method.
// TODO: Change interface{} to a specific type.
type PriorityMapFunction func(pod *v1.Pod, meta interface{}, nodeInfo *schedulercache.NodeInfo) (schedulerapi.HostPriority, error)

// PriorityReduceFunction is a function that aggregated per-node results and computes
//// final scores for all nodes.
// TODO: Figure out the exact API of this method.
// TODO: Change interface{} to a specific type.
type PriorityReduceFunction func(pod *v1.Pod, meta interface{}, nodeNameToInfo map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo, result schedulerapi.HostPriorityList) error


// Wait for all computations to be finished.
	if len(errs) != 0 {
		return schedulerapi.HostPriorityList{}, errors.NewAggregate(errs)

	// Summarize all scores.
	result := make(schedulerapi.HostPriorityList, 0, len(nodes))

	for i := range nodes {
		result = append(result, schedulerapi.HostPriority{Host: nodes[i].Name, Score: 0})
		for j := range priorityConfigs {
			result[i].Score += results[j][i].Score * priorityConfigs[j].Weight


if len(extenders) != 0 && nodes != nil {
		combinedScores := make(map[string]int, len(nodeNameToInfo))
		for i := range extenders {
			if !extenders[i].IsInterested(pod) {
			go func(extIndex int) {
				defer wg.Done()
				prioritizedList, weight, err := extenders[extIndex].Prioritize(pod, nodes)
				if err != nil {
					// Prioritization errors from extender can be ignored, let k8s/other extenders determine the priorities
				for i := range *prioritizedList {
					host, score := (*prioritizedList)[i].Host, (*prioritizedList)[i].Score
					if klog.V(10) {
						klog.Infof("%v -> %v: %v, Score: (%d)", util.GetPodFullName(pod), host, extenders[extIndex].Name(), score)
					combinedScores[host] += score * weight
		// wait for all go routines to finish
		for i := range result {
			result[i].Score += combinedScores[result[i].Host]



優先順序函式實現位置  kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/algorithm/priorities

1.BalancedResourceAllocation   資源均衡利用  計算cpu,mem, volumn利用率的方差

// BalancedResourceAllocationMap favors nodes with balanced resource usage rate.
// BalancedResourceAllocationMap should **NOT** be used alone, and **MUST** be used together
// with LeastRequestedPriority. It calculates the difference between the cpu and memory fraction
// of capacity, and prioritizes the host based on how close the two metrics are to each other.
balancedResourcePriority = &ResourceAllocationPriority{"BalancedResourceAllocation", balancedResourceScorer}


func balancedResourceScorer(requested, allocable *schedulercache.Resource, includeVolumes bool, requestedVolumes int, allocatableVolumes int) int64 {
	cpuFraction := fractionOfCapacity(requested.MilliCPU, allocable.MilliCPU)
	memoryFraction := fractionOfCapacity(requested.Memory, allocable.Memory)
	// This to find a node which has most balanced CPU, memory and volume usage.
	if includeVolumes && utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.BalanceAttachedNodeVolumes) && allocatableVolumes > 0 {
		volumeFraction := float64(requestedVolumes) / float64(allocatableVolumes)
			if cpuFraction >= 1 || memoryFraction >= 1 || volumeFraction >= 1 {
			// if requested >= capacity, the corresponding host should never be preferred.
			return 0
		// Compute variance for all the three fractions.
		mean := (cpuFraction + memoryFraction + volumeFraction) / float64(3)
		variance := float64((((cpuFraction - mean) * (cpuFraction - mean)) + ((memoryFraction - mean) * (memoryFraction - mean)) + ((volumeFraction - mean) * (volumeFraction - mean))) / float64(3))
		// Since the variance is between positive fractions, it will be positive fraction. 1-variance lets the
		// score to be higher for node which has least variance and multiplying it with 10 provides the scaling
		//		// factor needed.
		return int64((1 - variance) * float64(schedulerapi.MaxPriority))

	if cpuFraction >= 1 || memoryFraction >= 1 {
		// if requested >= capacity, the corresponding host should never be preferred.
		return 0
	// Upper and lower boundary of difference between cpuFraction and memoryFraction are -1 and 1
	// respectively. Multiplying the absolute value of the difference by 10 scales the value to
	// 0-10 with 0 representing well balanced allocation and 10 poorly balanced. Subtracting it from
	// 10 leads to the score which also scales from 0 to 10 while 10 representing well balanced.
	diff := math.Abs(cpuFraction - memoryFraction)
	return int64((1 - diff) * float64(schedulerapi.MaxPriority))

func fractionOfCapacity(requested, capacity int64) float64 {
	if capacity == 0 {
		return 1
	return float64(requested) / float64(capacity)


cpuFraction := fractionOfCapacity(requested.MilliCPU, allocable.MilliCPU)

memoryFraction := fractionOfCapacity(requested.Memory, allocable.Memory)

volumeFraction := float64(requestedVolumes) / float64(allocatableVolumes)

mean := (cpuFraction + memoryFraction + volumeFraction) / float64(3)
variance := float64((((cpuFraction - mean) * (cpuFraction - mean)) + ((memoryFraction - mean) * (memoryFraction - mean)) + ((volumeFraction - mean) * (volumeFraction - mean))) / float64(3))

return int64((1 - variance) * float64(schedulerapi.MaxPriority))

2.ImageLocalityPriority  根據需要的映象在Node節點已經存在的數量,因為映象如果不存在則需要到倉庫拉取,這樣時間較長

// ImageLocalityPriorityMap is a priority function that favors nodes that already have requested pod container's images.
// It will detect whether the requested images are present on a node, and then calculate a score ranging from 0 to 10
// based on the total size of those images.
// - If none of the images are present, this node will be given the lowest priority.
// - If some of the images are present on a node, the larger their sizes' sum, the higher the node's priority.
func ImageLocalityPriorityMap(pod *v1.Pod, meta interface{}, nodeInfo *schedulercache.NodeInfo) (schedulerapi.HostPriority, error) {
	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	if node == nil {
		return schedulerapi.HostPriority{}, fmt.Errorf("node not found")

	var score int
	if priorityMeta, ok := meta.(*priorityMetadata); ok {
		score = calculatePriority(sumImageScores(nodeInfo, pod.Spec.Containers, priorityMeta.totalNumNodes))
	} else {
		// if we are not able to parse priority meta data, skip this priority
		score = 0

	return schedulerapi.HostPriority{
		Host:  node.Name,
		Score: score,
	}, nil


spread := float64(imageState.NumNodes) / float64(totalNumNodes)
int64(float64(imageState.Size) * spread)


sum += scaledImageScore(state, totalNumNodes)


int(int64(schedulerapi.MaxPriority) * (sumScores - minThreshold) / (maxThreshold - minThreshold))

3.LeastResourceAllocation  cpu以及記憶體的平均cpu利用率

leastResourcePriority = &ResourceAllocationPriority{"LeastResourceAllocation", leastResourceScorer}
func leastResourceScorer(requested, allocable *schedulercache.Resource, includeVolumes bool, requestedVolumes int, allocatableVolumes int) int64 {
	return (leastRequestedScore(requested.MilliCPU, allocable.MilliCPU) +
		leastRequestedScore(requested.Memory, allocable.Memory)) / 2


func leastRequestedScore(requested, capacity int64) int64 {
	if capacity == 0 {
		return 0
	if requested > capacity {
		return 0

	return ((capacity - requested) * int64(schedulerapi.MaxPriority)) / capacity


((capacity - requested) * int64(schedulerapi.MaxPriority)) / capacity


(leastRequestedScore(requested.MilliCPU, allocable.MilliCPU) + leastRequestedScore(requested.Memory, allocable.Memory)) / 2

