1. 程式人生 > >javascript 第一日(基本概念)

javascript 第一日(基本概念)

Javascriptcontains ECMAScript DOM BOM


DOM:objectfor file

BOM:objectfor web-explorer

ECMAScript brief introduction

ECMAScriptas a core for javascript .it conclude grammar,type,Sentence,Reservedword(保留字)keywordOperator(操作符),object

ECMAScript new version5.0 have new function for JSON object

ECMAScriptcompatible (相容) mainstream(主流)explorer

DOMbrief introduction

Documentobject model just for xmlbutexpand for HTML appapplicationprogram)。

Justa api!!!(important

domshow html as a tree








DOMhave two levels;

DOMlevel1 is a standard for w3c.

DOMlevel2 aim for

1.DOMviews:define trace different documents views api;

2.DOMEvents:define affair and how to deal affair;

3.DOMStyles:define CSS api;

4.DOMTraversal(遍歷) andRange:define Traversal and Range api;


1.DOMLoad and Save


BOMbrief introduction

BrowserObject Model(瀏覽器物件模型)

dealwith explorer ex-pages.

BOMjust deal with Browser window and frame


summaryjavascriptis a language talkwith Browsercanmake some Script(指令碼)

ECMAScript:提供核心語言功能。providecore language function

DOM:提供訪問和操作網頁內容的方法和介面。provideaccess and manipulationweb

BOM:提供與瀏覽器互動的方法和介面。talkwith browser providefunction api

due to my english is worry。so just try english to blog。