1. 程式人生 > >[LeetCode] Validate IP Address 驗證IP地址

[LeetCode] Validate IP Address 驗證IP地址

In this problem, your job to write a function to check whether a input string is a valid IPv4 address or IPv6 address or neither.

IPv4 addresses are canonically represented in dot-decimal notation, which consists of four decimal numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255, separated by dots ("."), e.g.,


Besides, you need to keep in mind that leading zeros in the IPv4 is illegal. For example, the address is illegal.

IPv6 addresses are represented as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, each group representing 16 bits. The groups are separated by colons (":"). For example, the address 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334

 is a legal one. Also, we could omit some leading zeros among four hexadecimal digits and some low-case characters in the address to upper-case ones, so 2001:db8:85a3:0:0:8A2E:0370:7334 is also a valid IPv6 address(Omit leading zeros and using upper cases).

However, we don't replace a consecutive group of zero value with a single empty group using two consecutive colons (::) to pursue simplicity. For example, 2001:0db8:85a3::8A2E:0370:7334

 is an invalid IPv6 address.

Besides, you need to keep in mind that extra leading zeros in the IPv6 is also illegal. For example, the address 02001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 is also illegal.

Note: You could assume there is no extra space in the test cases and there may some special characters in the input string.

Example 1:

Input: ""

Output: "IPv4"

Explanation: This is a valid IPv4 address, return "IPv4".

Example 2:

Input: "2001:0db8:85a3:0:0:8A2E:0370:7334"

Output: "IPv6"

Explanation: This is a valid IPv6 address, return "IPv6".

Example 3:

Input: ""

Output: "Neither"

Explanation: This is neither a IPv4 address nor a IPv6 address.

這道題讓我們驗證兩種IP地址,LeetCode之前有一道關於IPv4的題Restore IP Addresses,給我們了一個字串,讓我們通過在中間加點來找出所有正確的IP地址,這道題給了我們中間加點或者冒號的字串,讓我們驗證其是否是正確的IPv4或者IPv6,感覺要稍稍複雜一些。那麼我們只有分別來驗證了,那麼我們怎麼樣能快速的區別是IPv4或者IPv6呢,當然是通過中間的點或者冒號啦,所以我們首先在字串中找冒號(當然你想找點也可以),如果字串中沒有冒號,那麼我們來驗證其是否是IPv4,如果有冒號,我們就來驗證其是否是IPv6.



class Solution {
    string validIPAddress(string IP) {
        istringstream is(IP);
        string t = "";
        int cnt = 0;
        if (IP.find(':') == string::npos) { // Check IPv4
            while (getline(is, t, '.')) {
                if (cnt > 4 || t.empty() || (t.size() > 1 && t[0] == '0') || t.size() > 3) return "Neither";
                for (char c : t) {
                    if (c < '0' || c > '9') return "Neither";
                int val = stoi(t);
                if (val < 0 || val > 255) return "Neither";
            return (cnt == 4 && IP.back() != '.') ? "IPv4" : "Neither";
        } else { // Check IPv6
            while (getline(is, t, ':')) {
                if (cnt > 8 || t.empty() || t.size() > 4) return "Neither";
                for (char c : t) {
                    if (!(c >= '0' && c <= '9') && !(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') && !(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')) return "Neither";
            return (cnt == 8 && IP.back() != ':') ? "IPv6" : "Neither";

