1. 程式人生 > >Orchestrating data analytics to enhance the investor experience

Orchestrating data analytics to enhance the investor experience

James Williams, managing editor at Hedgeweek, assesses how data analytics techniques can be used to personalise client experiences for investment managers. The amount of data is growing exponentially. According to IDC, there were 16.3 zettabytes of information generated in 2017 alone; one zettabyte is 1 billion terabytes. However you cut it, that's a huge number. One that is too large to comprehend. In simplistic terms, according to one industry professional "if every piece of data were a penny, it would cover the earth's surface five times over". Indeed, with Amazon and Apple both hitting the trillion dollar market cap mark, and Alphabet and Microsoft sitting at over USD900 billion, it is clear that the stock market values data as the most valuable resource, not oil or consumer products. Against this growing tsunami, investment managers and service providers alike are looking for ways to ingest and make sense of it all. To find information that they can translate into insights and turn into knowledge, that if done correctly, could lead to improved business performance and enriched customer relationships.