1. 程式人生 > >Nvidia launches Rapids to help bring GPU acceleration to data analytics

Nvidia launches Rapids to help bring GPU acceleration to data analytics

Nvidia, together with partners like IBM, HPE, Oracle, Databricks and others, is launching a new open-source platform for data science and machine learning today. Rapids, as the company is calling it, is all about making it easier for large businesses to use the power of GPUs to quickly analyze massive amounts of data and then use that to build machine learning models. "Businesses are increasingly data-driven," Nvidia's VP of Accelerated Computing Ian Buck told me. "They sense the market and the environment and the behavior and operations of their business through the data they've collected. We've just come through a decade of big data and the output of that data is using analytics and AI. But most it is still using traditional machine learning to recognize complex patterns, detect changes and make predictions that directly impact their bottom line."