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White Glove Customer Service with Chatbots

White Glove Customer Service with Chatbots

Ways Companies Provide White-Glove Service

Forrester predicts a 300% increase in AI investments in 2017. Today there are over 1,700 AI startups and private companies that have collectively received over $15 billion in funding. IDC believes that AI will be a $47 billion market by 2020. They also state that robots and AI will replace 7% of US jobs by 2025 — which will result in 10,500,000 jobs for AI. Although AI has the potential to replace 7% of US jobs, the result will also create new jobs for robot monitoring, data scientists, automation specialists, and content curators.

So what does this mean for customer service?

If it’s not entirely obvious, AI and chatbots are about to revolutionize the way businesses interact with customers. AI is better, cheaper, and more efficient than people can ever be.

Benefits of using Chatbots for Customer Service

Chatbots and AI will, more than likely, be incorporated, in at least one aspect, into every businesses website page or mobile application. As reported above, AI technology is rapidly increasing in revenue and investments. Here is why AI is projected to be the superpower it most likely will become.

Rapid Answers and Less Groundwork

One of the best aspects about AI is the ability for AI to answer questions posed by customers quickly and effectively. AI is available 24/7 meaning that wherever or whenever a customer has a question, their answer will arrive shortly after they ask it. This creates trust and develops deep bonds between businesses and customers.

AIs also have the ability to handle a high volume of requests with similar responses. They do not need time to search for answers like human agents do. They also reduce the service time as much as five-fold and operating costs as much as 66%! If an AI cannot complete the task requested by the customer than a human agent can step in and mediate the situation. Because AI can handle a high volume of requests, this will also allow human agents to address the issues that need more attention and care.

Fewer Errors

Cognitive technology interprets customers’ responses and provides accurate and automated answers. Because AI technology runs on an enormous amount of data stored from past events, it can remember information and to bring the customer to the right area. AI helps reduce the chances of misinterpreting a query or offering an incorrect solution.

Increased Customer Engagement

AIs are built to mimic or mirror specific human soft skills and hard skills that help customers with their problems. Since they are built to function as a human agent, they can engage with customers and keep customers entertained. Although human agents can entertain individuals or hold their attention, human agents do not have the time to spend hours with a customer entertaining them — but AIs do. AI can be interacting and engaging with hundreds (even thousands) of customers simultaneously. Because AI can keep customers engaged and happy, they are more likely to keep customers on your website which could result in an increase in sales revenue.

Proactive Customer Care

When a human agent is involved, most customer interactions are passive and are only happen when a customer attempts to reach out about specific issues. AIs can bring themselves in front of the view of the customer as soon as that person logs onto your website. AIs are good for starting conversations with customers and informing them about promotions and deals. They are also really good at helping the customer find information quickly before the customer either gets frustrated with the information they find or becomes so overwhelmed and confused that they leave your website.