1. 程式人生 > >Weapons of Math Destruction

Weapons of Math Destruction

The idea of robots serving us inside of our homes made a lot of sense then, and it still does now.

Our ancestors had no idea that the typical, bulky metal, lifeless (except for that one in Rocky IV, that thing was adorable!) would not be dusting, serving us drinks and birthday cake as much a bunch of compiled code, and small devices often powered by our voices would be controlling everything in our homes from thermostat, to music, to lights, to surveiling weirdies trying to take a dump in our backyard.

Will work for #2. That’s right, you show that turd who’s boss!

While I certainly think we’re a long way off from the machines we’ve created literally destroying us, I believe we have, and continue to see just how destructive some of these algorithms, if not created with a strong dose of humility and certainty (rather than arrogance and assumptions) can be to a human life.

While I’m sure Donald Trump could give two hoops in hell about his face showing up next to raw chicken in AI image searches.

I do know that many black people were understandably offended when Google Photos AI categorized them as gorillas.

Same goes for the many Asians who felt marginalized when a man of Asian descent was

denied while trying to renew his passport online.

The reason?

The AI passport checker told him he needed to open his eyes in his passport photo.

Talk about weapons of math destruction!

Our machines are only as good as what we feed them.

Those of you regularly feeding the machines, I implore you to keep them on a steady diet of empathy, humility, servitude…and humanity.