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Five AI Startups You Need To Know About


Despite 1 in 5 people in the UK having a disability, “Very few apps on app store actually cater for disabled people”, says software developer and BreakR founder, Alexey Kryazhev.

As a result, many people with disabilities find it hard to use smart devices, and their marginalisation from community is actually exacerbated by tech, not alleviated by it.

Good to know, then, that BreakR are, er, breaking the mould.

Their in-house built algorithm uses AI-powered voice detection to record and send perfectly packaged voice or text messages, that are accessible withOUT the click of a button!

Kryazhev continues, “We believe that voice control communication is the future of mobile messaging.”

And given an increasingly aging public and the sheer volume of our online use, voice messaging surely won’t only be appealing to people with disabilities.

The London-based startup have a methodically-planned roadmap in action. They soft-launched on App Store in May this year, released a major redesign following user feedback in August 2018, and the Android version should land in January 2019.

Expect an official launch shortly after.