1. 程式人生 > >Build a virtual assistant for iOS with Watson

Build a virtual assistant for iOS with Watson


Create an application that understands natural language and responds to customers in human-like conversation – in multiple languages. This application integrates with IBM Watson™ Assistant and provides sample code for training the chatbot. You can use the simple user interface within Watson Studio to continue to customize the chatbot based on your needs.


IBM Watson Assistant delivers scalable, engaging experiences across all of your business, transforming how you interact with customers and employees. Whether you’re a business user who needs a deep industry solution, or a developer who needs a robust platform to build an AI assistant from scratch, Watson Assistant has different options.

IBM offers pretrained Watson Assistant services for multiple industries including customer care, auto, and hospitality. This code pattern helps you:

  • Get started quickly and easily. Get faster time to value, and integrate across channels, networks, and environments.
  • Use Watson Assistant’s reliable infrastructure that scales with individual use cases. Platform support from IBM gives you the backing you need.
  • Own your data. IBM protects your privacy, allowing you to opt out of data sharing. Built on IBM Cloud and featuring reliable tools with industry-leading security.

When you have completed this code pattern, you will understand how to:

  • Provision Watson Assistant on IBM Cloud
  • Initilize Watson Assistant within an iOS application
  • Train your Watson Assistant instance



  1. Enter a message with an iOS device.
  2. The message is sent to the IBM Watson Assistant service, and the sent message is displayed on the iOS device.
  3. Watson Assistant responds and sends a message back to be displayed on the iOS device.


Find the detailed steps in the README file. These steps will show you how to:

  1. Use CocoaPods to create an Xcode workspace.
  2. Use Carthage to install the Watson Swift SDK.
  3. Configure Watson Assistant.