1. 程式人生 > >driving car crashed after its human driver dozed off at the wheel | AITopics

driving car crashed after its human driver dozed off at the wheel | AITopics

One of Waymo's self-driving minivans crashed into a median after its lone human driver fell asleep at the wheel. The crash occurred on a freeway outside of Google-owned Waymo's Mountain View, California-based office in June, but has just now been made public in a report by The Information. While driving on a route that Waymo uses to test autonomous vehicle software, the human safety driver'appeared to doze off' after being the car for about an hour. One of Waymo's self-driving minivans crashed into a median after its human driver fell asleep at the wheel. The crash occurred on a freeway near Waymo's Mountain View office in June It was then that the driver accidentally turned off the car's autonomous software by touching the gas pedal.