1. 程式人生 > >BAE Systems unveils its 'Black Night' tank to upgrade the Challenger 2

BAE Systems unveils its 'Black Night' tank to upgrade the Challenger 2

A design has been unveiled for an upgraded British Army tank with a laser warning system, automatic AI-powered targeting and'Planet Earth II style' thermal imaging. The latest design by BAE Systems is a proposed upgrade for the Challenger 2, a tank which has served in Iraq and Bosnia and which defence chiefs are planning to extend until 2035. The firm - which released a Hollywood-style trailer for the vehicle - is one of two bidders, along with German-based defence contractor Rheinmetall, who are competing for the contract to prolong the Challenger's life. The Challenger 2 has been in service since 1998 - the successor to the Challenger 1 which was used during the first Gulf War - and served during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The'Black Night' vehicle would have two independent night vision systems allowing a gunner to focus on one target while a commander identifies others simultaneously The Challenger 2 has been in service since 1998 and defence chiefs are intending to keep it going until 2035.