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September Product Update: New Pages Dashboard

Our roadmap is shaped by you, our customers. We love hearing from you and greatly appreciate feedback on Butter as it helps continue to strengthen our offering as an easy-to-use headless CMS. Here’s all of the product updates we made in September - let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Pages Dashboard

We completely redesigned the Pages Dashboard view and added a lot of capability to it to make it easier to edit and manage pages for your site.

Pages dashboard

The first thing you'll notice at the top is a whole new set of filters based on the status of the page. Whether it's published, a draft or if you have localization set up, you can filter it down to see the untranslated version of pages.

In addition to the status, you can also filter down according to page type, so you can quickly filter down to a specific set of pages as well as filter by who edited the page or you can always perform a tech-search based on the name of the page. 

pages dashboard 2

We've also completely redesigned the display for each page so we showcase even more information such as when it was published, who published it, whether there is an active draft and more. If you're using localization, then we also expose which locals have been translated for each particular page.

For example, in reference to the image above, we're now able to see that the first page has not been translated to either language and the second page has been translated to English but not Spanish. We've made it really easy for the users to quickly see the status of each page and whether it's been translated. And if they need to do the translation, they can simply click on the particular language as shown above and jump right into that version of the page. Overall, a great workflow improvement to help smoothen the process for our users.

More Pro Tips With Butter

In addition to the Pages dashboard, we've also been working on Pro Tips

Pro Tips

In the main homepage dashboard, we have a section for Pro Tips on the bottom right. We cycle through different posts here for folks new to ButterCMS to make it really easy for them to get the most out of Butter

New to butter

We also have written an associated set of blog posts and you can find those on the blog, under the new to Butter section. We have three posts published right now and many more coming very soon!

Dashboard Performance Improvements 

A lot of work has been done in terms of performance improvements to the dashboard and the API itself. This means a much faster content editing experience so when a user goes to load up their blog posts or view their pages, the dashboards load much faster. This allows a much more seamless workflow and allows people to get their work done much quicker. The second update is on the API side, which means an even faster page load time for their own website or blogs powered by Butter. Faster load time leads to better SEO and better conversions all around.

The great thing about Butter is that you get all of this without lifting a finger. This is a key benefit of ButterCMS or API based approach to CMS, is that it allows us to very quickly continue to deliver even more value to customers seamlessly and automatically.

We're thrilled to release these new updates to our platform and we look forward to hearing feedback on it from our customers.

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