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September Update | Anvil

« Anvil Blog
Meetups, Security, Data Grids, and More

Do you attend a coding, Python or data-science meetup? Would you like Anvil to come and present there? We’re presenting at meetups across the UK, and events all over the world (including remote presentations). If you want us to stop by your event or user group, send an email to

[email protected] and let us know!

Meanwhile, here’s what’s new in Anvil this month:

Data Grids

Of course, this month’s big news is the release of Data Grids. It’s our most-requested feature, and a massive help to anyone working with tabular data. Check out our announcement and the Getting Started tutorial


Enforcing secure passwords for your users

Password security is more important than ever. That’s why we’ve just introduced the “Require Secure Passwords” option in Anvil’s user authentication service.

When you select “Require Secure Passwords”, Anvil prevents your users from re-using a password that’s too short, or has already been leaked in a data breach. We can check for data breaches without revealing passwords to anyone, thanks to the k-anonymity

feature from Have I Been Pwned. You can learn more about how it works in this blog post from Cloudflare.

“Require Secure Passwords” is enabled by default for all new apps, and you should turn it on for your existing apps too!


Another much-requested feature: Now, almost every component has a tooltip property. Set it to display some extra text when you hover your mouse over the component!

On-Site Installation

Did you know that you can install Anvil on your own servers? You can now get an on-site trial instance running in 10 minutes or less, easier than ever before! To learn more about running Anvil on your corporate network, or on your own cloud servers, contact us at [email protected].

That’s it for this month. If you’ve got any questions, come and ask us on the Anvil user forum.

Happy coding!

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