docker to create awesome Deep Learning Environments for R (or Python) PT I | AITopics
How long does it take you to install your complete GPU-enabled deep learning environment including RStudio or jupyter and all your packages? And do you have to do that on multiple systems? In this blog post series I'm going to show you how and why I manage my data science environment with GPU enabled docker containers. How are you managing your data science stack? I was never really satisfied in how I did it.
docker to create awesome Deep Learning Environments for R (or Python) PT I | AITopics
How long does it take you to install your complete GPU-enabled deep learning environment including RStudio or jupyter and all your packages? And do you hav
Guide to choose right deep Learning framework for your AI project
As world rolling around Artificial Intelligence (AI), demand for the AI-based product seen exponential growth, so the AI research. Deep learning algorithms
How to build a Deep Learning Image Classifier for Game of Thrones dragons
Performance of most flavors of the old generations of learning algorithms will plateau. Deep learning, training large neural networks, is scalable and perf
How to Create a Linux Virtual Machine For Machine Learning Development With Python 3
Tweet Share Share Google Plus Linux is an excellent environment for machine learning development
SenseGen: A Deep Learning Architecture for Synthetic Sensor Data Generation論文解讀
一、論文概述 SenseGen這篇論文是17年發表在PerCom Workshops上的一篇論文,來自加州大學洛杉磯分校(University of California at Los Aneles,UCLA)網路與嵌入式系統實驗室(Netoworked & Embedded Syste
Embed,encode,attend,predict:the new deep learning formula for state-of-the -art NLP models
轉載來自: 在過去六個月,一種強大的新型神經網路工具出現應用於自然語言處理。新型的方法可以總結為四步驟:嵌入(embed),編碼(encode),加入(atte
《PCANet: A Simple Deep Learning Baseline for Image Classification》
對照論文中的示例圖和文章給出的程式碼來梳理 從圖中看到,整個網路有三個關鍵步驟,Patch-mean removal 、 PCA filter convolution與Binary quantization &mapping ,分別是區域性均值化、
PCANet: A Simple Deep Learning Baseline for Image Classification?--名詞解釋
1 上取樣與下采樣 縮小影象(或稱為下采樣(subsampled)或降取樣(downsampled))的主要目的有兩個: 使得影象符合顯示區域的大小 生成對應影象的縮圖 下采樣原理:對於一幅影象I尺寸為M*N,對其進行s倍下采樣,即得到(M/s)*(N/s)尺寸的得解析度影象,當然s應該是
Ranking Popular Deep Learning Libraries for Data Science
Much of our curriculum is based on feedback from corporate and government partners about the technologies they are using and learning. In addition to their
Deep Learning Courses For NLP Market Research Report 2018 by Coursera, Stanford University, Udemy , UpX Academy, Class Central,
Deep learning process for the NLP market confirms that increasing applicability in customer-centric organizations is one of the key factors that can positi
Deep learning algorithms for detection of critical findings in head CT scans: a retrospective study
Non-contrast head CT scan is the current standard for initial imaging of patients with head trauma or stroke symptoms. We aimed to develop and validate a s
How to create never expires Access Token for Facebook Page
How to create never expires Access Token for Facebook PageCreate an app from . Give necessary information and create the a
How to Develop a Deep Learning Photo Caption Generator from Scratch
Tweet Share Share Google Plus Develop a Deep Learning Model to Automatically Describe Photograph
Let's draw! New deep learning technique for realistic caricature art: Data
A team of computer scientists from City University of Hong Kong and Microsoft, have developed an innovative deep learning-based approach to automatically
『 論文閱讀』A Multi-View Deep Learning Approach for Cross Domain User Modeling in Recommendation Systems
AbstractMULTI-VIEW-DNN聯合了多個域做的豐富特徵,使用multi-view DNN模型構建推薦,包括app、新聞、電影和TV,相比於最好的演算法,老使用者提升49%,新使用者提升110%。並且可以輕鬆的涵蓋大量使用者,解決冷啟動問題。主要做user embedding的過程,通多使用者在多
New AWS Deep Learning AMIs for Machine Learning Practitioners
We’re excited to announce the availability of two new versions of the AWS Deep Learning AMI. The first is a Conda-based AMI with separate Python e
How To Load Your Machine Learning Data Into R
Tweet Share Share Google Plus You need to be able to load data into R when working on a machine
Gentle Introduction to the Adam Optimization Algorithm for Deep Learning
The choice of optimization algorithm for your deep learning model can mean the difference between good results in minutes, hours, and days. The Adam optim
Ask HN: Whats the best way to learn C++ for Deep learning?
What is your reason for learning "C++ for deep learning"?This will kind of define how to go about doing it.I can think of a few different reasons you might
How to use DeepLab in TensorFlow for object segmentation using Deep Learning
How to use DeepLab in TensorFlow for object segmentation using Deep LearningModifying the DeepLab code to train on your own dataset for object segmentation