Using AI to print models of your body parts
Well-known Belfast startup Axial3D produces 3D prints of your body parts. This isn't to satisfy the narcissistic social media types – it has important surgical implications. This previous TechWatch article describes the company's process. Now, Axial3D is developing new AI techniques to make instantaneous the transition from 2D images to 3D prints. How are they doing that?
Using AI to print models of your body parts
Well-known Belfast startup Axial3D produces 3D prints of your body parts. This isn't to satisfy the narcissistic social media types – it has important surg
Using AI To Build Your Stock Portfolio
With the release of the new iPhone XS and the more popular XS Max, Apple may be on the verge of it's highest grossing iPhone release yet. Not to mention be
How Google Is Using AI To Power Internal Talent Deployment
The traditional narrative when it comes to discussing the impact of artificial intelligence on HR revolves around the jobs that will be lost. It's a largel
Uber Eats is Using AI to Surpass Its Competitors (And It's Working)
Ashley Sams is a consultant at PR 20/20. She joined the agency in 2017 with a background in marketing, specifically for higher education and social media.
Instagram is using AI to detect bullying in photos and captions
Last year, Instagram introduced an enhanced comment filter that uses machine learning to spot offensive words and phrases in challenging contexts. Now, the
Augmented human intelligence: Using AI to streamline business process
AI and related technologies are most effective when used as a way to unleash creativity and increase autonomy in workers. The study was done by researchers
Stanford Physicists Create AI to Disrupt Laws of Nature
Imagine being able to apply the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to invent novel materials that can potentially revolutionize many industries such as
Breast cancer: Volpara Health company using AI to detect illness
But unsure where to focus his research, he had a conversation with a professor the same day the professor's mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer an
Big brands like Microsoft and Gap are using AI to create personalized ads for people
Turns out, artificial intelligence isn't just helpful for powering chatbots and voice assistants. It may also be able to help brands create emotionally int
Edmonton Startup using AI to Fix 'Broken Meetings'
Testfire Labs CEO and founder Dave Damer Meetings cost time and money to run, and many of them are unnecessary, says Testfire Labs
Marketers Are Using AI to Create Facebook Ads that Convert
At the Marketing AI Institute, we read dozens of articles on artificial intelligence every week to uncover the most valuable ones for our subscribers and
How To Leverage AI As Part of Your Mobile Testing Efforts
The mobile application development has rapidly grown in recent years. The practices like Mobile DevOps and CI/CD set up the infrastructure to speed up app
Using pam and MySQL to authenticate the users of your PureFTPd server
Using pam and MySQL to authenticate the users of your PureFTPd serverHow to install and configure MySQL, pam-mysql, pure-ftpd, etc…At Alchimie we use FTP a
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Power of technology will free your body and spirit
問題: F:\gitserver\oschina\xiaobm\tmpjob\OMS>python makemigrations CommandError: Conflicting migrations detected; multiple lea
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Facebook Plans To Double Size Of AI Research Unit By 2020
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