Deep Learning in Neuroradiology
SUMMARY: Deep learning is a form of machine learning using a convolutional neural network architecture that shows tremendous promise for imaging applications. It is increasingly being adapted from its original demonstration in computer vision applications to medical imaging. Because of the high volume and wealth of multimodal imaging information acquired in typical studies, neuroradiology is poised to be an early adopter of deep learning. Compelling deep learning research applications have been demonstrated, and their use is likely to grow rapidly. This review article describes the reasons, outlines the basic methods used to train and test deep learning models, and presents a brief overview of current and potential clinical applications with an emphasis on how they are likely to change future neuroradiology practice. Facility with these methods among neuroimaging researchers and clinicians will be important to channel and harness the vast potential of this new method. Deep learning is a form of artificial intelligence, roughly modeled on the structure of neurons in the brain, which has shown tremendous promise in solving many problems in computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics.1 It has recently become the dominant form of machine learning, due to a convergence of theoretic advances, openly available computer software, and hardware with sufficient computational power. The current excitement in the field of deep learning stems from new data suggesting its excellent performance in a wide variety of tasks. One benchmark of machine learning performance is the ImageNet Challenge. In this annual competition, teams compete to classify millions of images into discrete categories (tens of different kinds of dogs, fish, cars, and so forth).