These New Tricks Can Outsmart Deepfake Videos
For weeks, computer scientist Siwei Lyu had watched his team's deepfake videos with a gnawing sense of unease. Created by a machine learning algorithm, these falsified films showed celebrities doing things they'd never done. They felt eerie to him, and not just because he knew they'd been ginned up. "They don't look right," he recalls thinking, "but it's very hard to pinpoint where that feeling comes from." He, like many kids, had held staring contests with his open-eyed peers.
These New Tricks Can Outsmart Deepfake Videos
For weeks, computer scientist Siwei Lyu had watched his team's deepfake videos with a gnawing sense of unease. Created by a machine learning algorithm, the
A New Device Can Hear Your Thoughts
As a researcher who “dabbles across disciplines” (he’s tried and failed to write a short website bio because he doesn’t want to be “put in a box”), Kapur b
New research can identify extremists online, even before they post dangerous content
The research, "Finding Extremists in Online Social Networks," which was recently published in the INFORMS journal Operations Research, was conducted by Ta
These new techniques expose your browsing history to attackers
The techniques fall into the category of "history sniffing" attacks, a concept dating back to the early 2000s. But the attacks demonstrated by the researc
HDU 4027 Can you answer these queries?(線段樹區間開方)
sizeof sqrt .cn swap %d nes nts following clr Can you answer these queries? Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 6576
HDU 4027 Can you answer these queries?
date 全部 swe shanghai man nts less mina query 題目鏈接: 解題思路:線段樹區間更新,查詢。主要問題在於如何解決快速對一個區間所有數據開根號
HDU 4027 Can you answer these queries?(線段樹/區間不等更新)
push battle mark put action light blog acc lang 傳送門 Can you answer these queries? Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limi
轉 在子線程中new Handler報錯--Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()
tst exc 手動 tac new 聯網 clas 如果 read 在子線程中new一個Handler為什麽會報以下錯誤? java.lang.RuntimeException: Can‘t create handler inside thread that has
GSS3 - Can you answer these queries III
#define RM () lse eset gin ++ hup tps 題意翻譯 nnn 個數, qqq 次操作 操作0 x y把 AxA_xAx? 修改為 yyy 操作1 l r詢問區間 [l,r][l, r][l,r] 的最大子段和 感謝 @Edgra
Can you answer these queries? HDU - 4027(線段樹+技巧)
fin 題意 ios fff PE sqrt += 長度 scan 題意:給一個數組序列, 數組長度為100000 兩種操作: 一種操作是將某一個固定區間所有數開方(向下取整) 另一種操作是詢問某個區間的所有數字之和。 由於數不超過263,因此開個七八次就變成1,由於只有
[SP1043]GSS1 - Can you answer these queries I
struct answer str == 線段 return shu lib n) 求區間內最大非空子段和,沒什麽可說的吧。 線段樹,每個區間維護從左端開始的最大非空子段和,區間內的最大非空子段和,以右端結束的最大非空子段和,還有區間和。 pushup()的寫法要註意,不要
[SP1557]GSS2 - Can you answer these queries II
常用 最大子段和 bool 修改 == 意義 一次 合並 ans 題意不過只是比GSS1多了幾個字而已,難度卻把GSS1甩得望塵莫及。 給出n個數,q次詢問,求最大子段和(可為空),相同的數只算一次。 說到相同的只算一次這一條件,有點像[SDOI2009]HH的項鏈,但是本
SP1043 GSS1 - Can you answer these queries I(線段樹,區間最大子段和(靜態))
有一種 nbsp 不用 端點 合並 表示 格式 space iostream 題目描述 給出了序列A[1],A[2],…,A[N]。 (a[i]≤15007,1≤N≤50000)。查詢定義如下: 查詢(x,y)=max{a[i]+a[i+1
SP2713 GSS4 - Can you answer these queries IV
() 輸出 line 尋找 ace != == ios 格式 傳送門 \(ZHX\; TQL\) Orz 這道題目我們可以用線段樹維護…… 可能有\(dalao\)會問:“線段樹怎麽維護區間開平方?” 而這道題的精髓就在於,它要我們維護的操作是開平方+下取整。也就是說經
SP1716 GSS3 - Can you answer these queries III
maintain ref fin oid lse etc can [1] fix 題意:給定n個數a[1]~a[n],有q次操作。 操作 0 x y:把第a[x]修改為y; 操作 1 x y:詢問x到y的的最大子段和。 輸入:
SP1043 GSS1 - Can you answer these queries I(貓樹)
log imm str 定義 getc 這就是 out for space 給出了序列A[1],A[2],…,A[N]。 (a[i]≤15007,1≤N≤50000)。查詢定義如下: 查詢(x,y)=max{a[i]+a[i+1]+...+a
SP1557 GSS2 - Can you answer these queries II(線段樹)
傳送門 線段樹好題 因為題目中相同的只算一次,我們可以聯想到HH的項鍊,於是考慮離線的做法 先把所有的詢問按$r$排序,然後每一次不斷將$a[r]$加入線段樹 線段樹上維護四個值,$sum,hix,sumtag,hixtag$,分別代表當前節點的值,節點歷史上的最大值,當前的增加標記,
Can you answer these queries?
A lot of battleships of evil are arranged in a line before the battle. Our commander decides to use our secret weapon to eliminate the battleships.
HDU 4027 Can you answer these queries? (線段樹+暴力)
題意: 給出一段序列和兩種操作,第一種操作,將x,y區間的數均開平方,第二種操作,對x,y區間進行求和。 分析: 一開始還不敢用線段樹做,因為純線段樹下來根暴力列舉複雜度差不了多少,但由於開方,所以在很少次的迴圈裡就能達到1,所以就可以直接這麼做了。但題目沒有說名忍耐值的範圍,要是0太多
4301 Can you answer on these queries III 0x40「資料結構進階」例題(線段樹)
4301 Can you answer on these queries III 0x40「資料結構進階」例題 描述 給定長度為N的數列A,以及M條指令 (N≤500000, M≤100000),每條指令可能是以下兩種之一: “2 x y”,把 A[x] 改成 y。 “1 x