1. 程式人生 > >Learn to combine RxJs sequences with super intuitive interactive diagrams

Learn to combine RxJs sequences with super intuitive interactive diagrams


The first operator we’ll review is combineLatest. It allows you to take the most recent value from input sequences and transform those into one value for the resulting sequence. RxJs caches last value for each input sequence and once all sequences have produced at least one value it computes a resulting value using projection function that takes the latest values from the cache, then emits the output of that computation through the result stream.

The resulting stream completes when all inner streams complete and will throw an error if any of the inner streams throws an error. It will never complete if any of the inner streams doesn’t complete. On the other hand, if any stream does not emit value but completes, resulting stream will complete at the same moment without emitting anything, since it will be now impossible to include value from completed input stream in resulting sequence. Also, if some input stream does not emit any value and never completes, combineLatest

will also never emit and never complete, since, again, it will wait for all streams to emit some value.

This operator can be useful if you need to evaluate some combination of state which needs to be kept up-to-date when part of the state changes. A simple example would be a monitoring system. Each service is represented by a sequence that returns a Boolean indicating the availability of said service. The monitoring status is green if all services are available so the projection function should simply perform a logical AND.

In the diagram below you can see the combineLatest operator combining two streams A and B. As soon as all streams have emitted at least one value each new emission produces a combined value through the result stream:

Here is the code example that demonstrates the setup shown by the above diagram:

const a = stream('a', 200, 3, 'partial');const b = stream('b', 500, 3, 'partial');
combineLatest(a, b).subscribe(fullObserver('latest'));

And stackblitz editable demo: