1. 程式人生 > >The Man Who Wants To Connect The World With Light

The Man Who Wants To Connect The World With Light

What about energy efficiency, people often ask. It is an ironic question because we never question that the Wi-Fi emitter is always on. In fact, LEDs consume less energy than the hotspot. Also, Li-Fi can provide connectivity within a light spectrum invisible to the human eye. Moreover, as a bonus, there may be no need for a Wi-Fi anymore, so there are fewer radio waves, as Mr. Topsu’s wife wished.

Nevertheless, Mr. Topsu admits there are enormous challenges ahead for the technology and his company Oledcomm. “First, we want to increase the capacity of production while keeping the quality high. We need to form partnerships, but that takes time. Secondly, we need to train installers to be able to set up the Li-Fi technology.”

He also knows the key to success is patience. “We are used to getting everything very quickly, but real disruptive technologies need time. It is even more difficult when you need to change the infrastructure,” he says.

A Bright Future

Although there are disadvantages to the Li-Fi technology, there are some upsides too. Security, for example. “Mostly, people talk to us about installing Li-Fi in meeting rooms to improve cybersecurity,” Mr. Topsu reveals. You have to be in the same room to grab the data whereas with Wi-Fi you can be in the room next door or even further away. Mr. Topsu calls it ‘intrinsic security’.

“Li-Fi itself is not enough to maintain constant connectivity.”

The entrepreneur sees a bright future for the technology. “Today, we’re starting in niche markets. In 2022, when 5G arrives, we will have the mass market.”

He worked with the European 5G standardization committee to implement the Li-Fi technology in the protocol. Manufacturers will have to provide decent receivers on their devices. Though: “Li-Fi itself is not enough to maintain constant connectivity. 5G is a mix of technologies. So, if we implement Li-Fi in the 5G protocols, you’re smartphone will decide automatically which network it will use. As a user, you don’t have to care about what service the device is using.”

Creating A Better World

Mr. Topsu speaks with a clear sense of reality. He is not selling his products with over the top enthusiasm. However, sometimes during our talk, he gets passionate: He perceives Li-Fi as means to create a better world. With his company, he installed Li-Fi a variety of pilot sites. In museums, but also in hospitals and the metro to guide blind people — something Wi-Fi or Bluetooth cannot achieve due to the lack of accuracy.

“Our mission is to connect objects and people by transforming the 14 billion light points on the planet into a powerful and secure communication network,” states Oledcomm’s website. For Mr. Topsu especially, this means grant people access to information in a faster and more ecological way.