1. 程式人生 > >tax in a baltic country, worth moving to Bay Area? | Hacker News

tax in a baltic country, worth moving to Bay Area? | Hacker News

I work remotely for a Bay Area company and get paid SF money. The CoL here is very low, my rent is around $400 for a 4-bedroom apartment. Have 2 kids (3 and 5 years old), wife is happy, our whole family is here. But ...

I want my kids to learn proper english and I don't know how long sustainable I can keep up working remotely. I'm always working alone and need to put more efforts to keep up with technological advancements. Second, I have the feeling that my career will get a hit in the long term and that I could learn more by joining a proper big-corp (Google, FB, Apple, etc...) I have the abilities to join them very easily. Most of my friends are already working for them.

I know Bay Area is very expensive. I made the calculations and seems like I'll be able to put only around $1K money aside (for $200k annual minimum while working for a big-corp). Currently I can put aside at least $10K money each month from my current gig.

My concern is that my kids would have harder time in the future to learn english (the younger the easier they can learn english) and that I might not be able to join these companies in the future due to ageism and not be able to keep up with technical knowledge.

So, is worth moving to Bay Area, get a hit money wise but increase quality of living (nature, career, etc..) or is it better I earn as much money as possible?