1. 程式人生 > >Learn React with chantastic

Learn React with chantastic


Here’s an example of context. When I drop my son off at his grandparents, I remind him:

Grandma hates the word ‘shit.’ Be careful not to say it.

There’s a context in which my son uses more appropriate language for his environment. That context is grandma’s house. Does he say “shit?” Yup. Does he say it at grandma’s house? Nope.


There’s a bunch of use cases where context is valid. The one where it’s not, is to save you typing... — Sebastian Markbåge at React.js Conf 2014

using context, today

context is implemented in three parts: getChildContext and childContextTypes, on the initiating component, and contextTypes on the child components.


In the component that initiates context, you’ll implement getChildContext:

class Chan extends React.Component {
getChildContext() {
return {
environment: "grandma's house"


You’ll also use childContextTypes to set the context type for interested children.

Chan.childContextTypes = {
environment: React.PropTypes.string


Now our children may observe this context and behave accordingly.

class ChildChan extends React.Component {
render() {
if (this.context.environment === "grandma's house") {
return <span>poop</span>;
return <strong>shit</strong>;
ChildChan.contextTypes = {
environment: React.PropTypes.string

Don’t use context

As a general rule, don’t reach for context. I don’t use context much. I’ve used it for media queries and railsEnv.

Most of the time, you should use props.

I like to think of context the way I think of media queries. My app should run correctly without context. But context can be used to provide a more appropriate experience — “poop” vs “shit”.

Carry on, nerds.