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The 4 Best Tools To Find Advisors For Your ICO

The 4 Best Tools To Find Advisors For Your ICO

With dozens of new ICOs popping up every week, a successful ICO requires much more than just a great project idea and a beautiful website. Your project needs to signal to the crypto community that it is trustworthy and deserves their time, money and attention.

Additionally, bootstrapping a successful network requires a broad range of expertise from various industries and professions.

Both of these challenges can be solved by putting together a top notch advisory board, which acts as a stamp of approval. More importantly, top advisors will help you with valuable input along the ICO Journey.

But how can ICO projects find the best people for their advisory board? Let’s look at a few examples…


If you want to get in touch with extraordinary people from the blockchain space, your best bet is to submit your project to the 3x community. 3x is an invite-only group of influential people from different fields within the blockchain industry.

3x puts a lot of effort in keeping the community exclusive and limits participation to only best-in-class representatives from various disciplines.

They offer blockchain startups to submit their project and promote it amongst this selected group of people, giving you the perfect opportunity to land an important advisory deal.


The popular ICO calendar tool ICOBench features an extensive list of experts that contribute to the site by rating various ICOs and their respective whitepapers. Most of these experts are very knowledgeable in the ICO space, especially as they have to go through a vetting process to be considered an “Expert” on the site.

Conveniently, all expert profiles either have a Linkedin or Twitter account attached, giving you an easy way to reach out to a potential new advisor.


If you know exactly what kind of expertise you need for your ICO projects, you should deep dive into the largest registry of professionals worldwide: Linkedin. The platform is equipped with a powerful search engine that lets you search for specific keywords, professions, backgrounds and much more.

You can also use linkedin to research advisors of other ICO projects and directly contact various professionals that might be a good fit for your advisory board.


Another great registry is Crunchbase, which is especially suited to research renowned professionals from specific industries. Unfortunately, there is no way to contact specific people from within Crunchbase, so the actual outreach will have to be done either via e-mail or Linkedin.

To really get the most out of the platform, we recommend investing in a Crunchbase Pro subscription, as this allows you to use multiple filters at once in order to increase the relevancy of the search results.