1. 程式人生 > >Meet Zerynth at Electronica 2018 in Munich

Meet Zerynth at Electronica 2018 in Munich

What’s happening in Munich in two weeks? Electronica – the world’s leading trade fair and conference for electronics, and we’ll be there.

This year’s motto is “Connecting everything—safe, smart, safe, and secure”. From the 13th until the 16th of November you’ll have a chance to see all the newest components, systems, applications and solutions for IoT.

Find us at the RS Components booth

Our partner, RS Components is hosting us at their booth, and that’s where you’ll find us. We’ll be showing some awesome demos and projects, so make sure we’re on your list.

Through our partnership with RS Components, the Zerynth IoT development environment is available for download straight from DesignSpark

Community. Developers now have an easy way to access these tools for programming 32-bit microcontrollers in Python.

For those new to Zerynth, our software simplifies IoT development providing an easy and efficient way to program the most popular 32-bit microcontrollers in Python or hybrid C/Python and connect them to the top

Cloud infrastructures. With headquarters in Pisa, Italy, and a global sales team, Zerynth is helping thousands of developers around the world to develop new IoT products and Industry 4.0 applications.

4ZeroPlatform, a solution for Industrial IoT applications

We’ll be showcasing the popular 4ZeroPlatform by our partners from TOI – Things on Internet. The 4ZeroPlatform is a plug-and-play data gathering, processing, and reporting solution. It’s composed of two parts – the 4ZeroBox and the 4ZeroManager.

The 4ZeroBox is a Zerynth powered industrial microcontroller-based board, and It’s fully programmable in Python through Zerynth Studio. The 4ZeroBox also has a Zerynth Virtual Machine license on board, a multithreaded Real-Time OS tailored for IoT.

The 4ZeroBox is used in IoT waste management systems, smart retail, Blockchain-based tracking systems and more.

To see other use cases of the 4ZeroPlatform, visit TOI’s page.

The 4ZeroPlatform was really a head-turner at Maker Faire Rome this year:

Blockchain meets Python Embedded

Now that we have mentioned Blockchain, you’ll be glad to know that we’ll be showcasing our Python and Blockchain combination demo that we wrote about in one of the Zerynth Academy posts.

Our Ethereum library allows microcontrollers, to generate and sign Ethereum transactions in a few lines of Python directly on microcontrollers. We’ll be using the popular Riverdi displays with Zeryth licenses already on board to show the results of transactions with fancy outputs.

If you read the post you can also learn more about Python and Blockchain-based applications in logistics, made by TOI:

They have made an advanced IoT system that’s able to monitor shipments environmental conditions (and adjust the price of transported goods in real-time), using blockchain technology.

Our team will be showcasing the whole demo at the booth, so make sure you’ll drop by.

From sensor to the Cloud in just 15 lines of Python

Our recent update has brought a new example to the Zerynth AWS IoT library. This code example allows you to send data to the cloud in just 15 lines of simple Python.

Take a look at the code:

123456789101112131415 fromwireless importwififromespressif.esp32net importesp32wifi aswifi_driverfrombosch.bme280 importbme280fromaws.iot importiot,default_credentialswifi_driver.auto_init()wifi.link("SSID",wifi.WIFI_WPA2,"PSW")endpoint,mqttid,clicert,pkey=default_credentials.load()thing=iot.Thing(endpoint,mqttid,clicert,pkey)thing.mqtt.connect()thing.mqtt.loop()sensor=bme280.BME280(I2C0)whileTrue:thing.mqtt.publish("sensors",{'temp':sensor.get_temp()})sleep(1000)

The example demonstrates how to connect a device to AWS IoT, and start sending data gathered from a plugged sensor.

From sensor to the Cloud in 15 lines of code Zerynth

Find us at the RS Components booth and we’ll show you a demo with the XinaBox xChip development boards, Zerynth Studio, and Microchip’s crypto elements.

How to find us

Since this year’s Electronica will cover 17 halls, it’s good to know where to look for us before you arrive.

You find the RS Components booth at Hall C5, booth number 147. Click here to see a map of the Hall C5.

To schedule your time with us at the booth use this link. Simply choose one of the four days and the time.

We’ll see you in Munich!