1. 程式人生 > >unity 通過使用 photon networking Pun 實現 HTC Vive VR的多人聯網。進階版 《二》

unity 通過使用 photon networking Pun 實現 HTC Vive VR的多人聯網。進階版 《二》





可以看到很多設定,很顯然一般最重要的都在最上面,也就是hosting 主機。因為我將photon的伺服器裝到了自己的主機上,所以我連的就是我自己的photon伺服器。主機有很多選項,主要是歐洲,美洲的。(聽說國內也已經有了)(其實也是因為國外的經常掉線我才搗鼓著把伺服器裝到自己電腦上的。如果你想了解這一部分的知識的話,那你就告訴我)如果你是連結自己伺服器的話IP自然不用說,埠號要你看是Tcp連線方式還是Udp連線方式。



public class ConnectAndJoinRandom : Photon.MonoBehaviour
    /// <summary>Connect automatically? If false you can set this to true later on or call ConnectUsingSettings in your own scripts.</summary>
    public bool AutoConnect = true;

    public byte Version = 1;

    /// <summary>if we don't want to connect in Start(), we have to "remember" if we called ConnectUsingSettings()</summary>
    private bool ConnectInUpdate = true;


    public void Start()
        //Debug.Log("當前是否連線" + PhotonNetwork.connected);
        PhotonNetwork.autoJoinLobby = false;    // we join randomly. always. no need to join a lobby to get the list of rooms.
        if (PhotonNetwork.connected)

    public virtual void Update()
        if (ConnectInUpdate && AutoConnect && !PhotonNetwork.connected)
            Debug.Log("Update() was called by Unity. Scene  is loaded. Let's connect to the Photon Master Server. Calling: PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings();");

            ConnectInUpdate = false;
            PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings(Version + "." + SceneManagerHelper.ActiveSceneBuildIndex);


    // below, we implement some callbacks of PUN
    // you can find PUN's callbacks in the class PunBehaviour or in enum PhotonNetworkingMessage

    public virtual void OnConnectedToMaster()
        Debug.Log("OnConnectedToMaster() was called by PUN. Now this client is connected and could join a room. Calling: PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom();");


    public virtual void OnJoinedLobby()
        Debug.Log("OnJoinedLobby(). This client is connected and does get a room-list, which gets stored as PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList(). This script now calls: PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom();");

    public virtual void OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed()
        Debug.Log("OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed() was called by PUN. No random room available, so we create one. Calling: PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(null, new RoomOptions() {maxPlayers = 4}, null);");
        PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(null, new RoomOptions() { MaxPlayers = 4 }, null);

    // the following methods are implemented to give you some context. re-implement them as needed.

    public virtual void OnFailedToConnectToPhoton(DisconnectCause cause)
        Debug.LogError("Cause: " + cause);

    public void OnJoinedRoom()
        Debug.Log("OnJoinedRoom() called by PUN. Now this client is in a room. From here on, your game would be running. For reference, all callbacks are listed in enum: PhotonNetworkingMessage");
勾選上autoconnect 掛到空物體下,在初始化的時候就可以連結到伺服器,當然我還是建議,在沒有很熟悉的情況下,在他的demo上面進行新增修改,這樣不會出錯。


好,下一節講如何連線HTC VIVE。不要怪我一節說這麼少內容,反正也沒什麼人看,哈哈哈哈
