129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers(Tree)
class Solution { public: void pre(TreeNode *root,int sum){ if(!root) return; if(!root->left&&!root->right) { ret +=(sum *10 + root->val); return ; } pre(root->left,root->val + sum * 10); pre(root->right,root->val + sum * 10); } int sumNumbers(TreeNode* root) { ret = 0; pre(root,0); return ret; } private: int ret; };
129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers(Tree)
連結:https://leetcode.com/problems/sum-root-to-leaf-numbers/ 題目:一條roo->leaf路徑代表一個整數,求所有整數之和 思路:先序遍歷 程式碼: class Solution { public: v
129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
所有路徑 得到 per class 大小 ould style brush rep Given a binary tree containing digits from 0-9 only, each root-to-leaf path could represent a
[LeetCode]129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers路徑數字求和
node helper class 路徑 != leetcode 求和 span int DFS的標準形式 用一個String記錄路徑,最後判斷到葉子時加到結果上。 int res = 0; public int sumNumbers(TreeNode root)
LeetCode OJ 129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
感覺 amp contain binary val eno source lse tree 題目 Given a binary tree containing digits from 0-9 only, each root-to-leaf path could repres
leetcode: 129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
Difficulty Medium. Problem Given a binary tree containing digits from 0-9 only, each root-to-leaf path could represent a number. An examp
[LeetCode] 129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
Sum Root to Leaf Numbers Given a binary tree containing digits from 0-9 only, each root-to-leaf path could represent a number. An example is th
sum-root-to-leaf-numbers (前序遍歷)
class Solution { public: int sumNumbers(TreeNode *root) { int sum = 0; if (root == NULL) return sum; return pre(root, sum);
Leetcode 129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
文章作者:Tyan 部落格:noahsnail.com | CSDN | 簡書 1. Description 2. Solution /** * Definition for a binar
LeetCode-129-Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
only digits ota 葉子節點 相加 output style could nullptr 算法描述: Given a binary tree containing digits from 0-9 only, each root-to-leaf path coul
LeetCode | Sum Root to Leaf Numbers(所有根結點到葉節點路徑和的和)
Given a binary tree containing digits from 0-9 only, each root-to-leaf path could represent a number. An example is the root-to-leaf
LeetCode 129. 求根到葉子節點數字之和(Sum Root to Leaf Numbers)
更新 truct 個數 遍歷 null 它的 etc col tco 題目描述 給定一個二叉樹,它的每個結點都存放一個 0-9 的數字,每條從根到葉子節點的路徑都代表一個數字。 例如,從根到葉子節點路徑 1->2->3 代表數字 123。 計算從根到葉子節
【leetcode】129.(Medium)Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
解題思路: 思路一: 使用DFS,然後用一個list(記為curPath)來記錄當前路徑的所有數值,當訪問到根節點時將curPath中的數值轉換為一個整型數值,計入到結果(res)中。 提交程式碼: class Solution { public int sum
【LeetCode】【129】【Sum Root to Leaf Numbers】
題目:Given a binary tree containing digits from 0-9 only, each root-to-leaf path could represent a numb
【LeetCode】#129求根到葉子節點數字之和(Sum Root to Leaf Numbers)
【LeetCode】#129求根到葉子節點數字之和(Sum Root to Leaf Numbers) 題目描述 給定一個二叉樹,它的每個結點都存放一個 0-9 的數字,每條從根到葉子節點的路徑都代表一個數字。 例如,從根到葉子節點路徑 1->2->3 代表數字 123。
題目描述 Given a binary tree containing digits from0-9only, each root-to-leaf path could represent a number. An example is
could node oid bin div right class pat ive Given a binary tree containing digits from0-9only, each root-to-leaf path could represent a nu
[LeetCode] Sum Root to Leaf Numbers 求根到葉節點數字之和
Given a binary tree containing digits from 0-9 only, each root-to-leaf path could represent a number. An example is the root-to-leaf path 1->2->3
Given a binary tree containing digits from0-9only, each root-to-leaf path could represent a number. An example is the root-to-leaf path1->2->
LeetCode Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
本題與相似,都是遞迴呼叫。終止條件都是左右child都是空,否則cur*10加child.val, 遞迴呼叫函式,再去掉尾節點。 Note:1. helper 是pass by value, 所以res一定要用個array儲存。 2. 遞迴呼叫後需要去掉尾節點,本題中除
114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List(Tree)
連結:https://leetcode.com/problems/flatten-binary-tree-to-linked-list/ 題目:將二叉樹序列化為連結串列 思路: 先序遍歷,儲存一個全域性的newroot,對於當前節點root: 暫存左右子節點,然後將newroot