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分層視窗(Layered windows)翻譯

Layered Windows

Windows 2000 introduces a new extended window style bit: WS_EX_LAYERED. When used properly, it can significantly improve performance and visual effects for a window that has a complex shape, animates, or wishes to use alpha-blending effects.

windows 2000引入了新的視窗擴充套件風格,其標識位為WS_EX_LAYERED.合理使用該風格即可顯著改善那些擁有複雜形狀、繁雜繪製或者希望擁有混合透明效果的視窗效能及其視覺效果。

Windows appear as rectangles on the screen clipped by other windows. For a window in an application to look like a circle, it's not enough for the application to simply paint a window as a circle; the system will continue to hit test this window as a rectangle and windows underneath this window will still be clipped by the window's rectangle. So, the window will look and behave like a gray rectangle with a circle in the middle.

Some applications might take a snapshot of the visual bits underneath the window before it was actually shown and later compose those bits with the window bits. This approach doesn't quite work in a multiprocess, multitasking environment, because other windows can paint underneath this window. The application has no way of knowing when such painting occurs or how to somehow retrieve the newly painted bits underneath.





1.     windows中的每個視窗都是一個矩形,可以通過下面將要提到的視窗區域改變其形狀,但我們這裡保持視窗的矩形狀態。

2.     我們要用矩形的視窗實現圓形的時鐘視窗,怎麼辦呢?我將之稱為視覺虛擬方法。具體做法如下:

a.     在矩形視窗中央繪製一個圓形,作為時鐘形狀。

b.     將時鐘圓形面之外的所有矩形區域設定為透明。這樣使用者看到的就只有視窗的圓形區域,這樣就實現了時鐘的效果。但請記住我們的視窗仍然是矩形。接下來就是如何設定透明瞭,原文描述採用的是這樣的方式:設法獲得我們矩形視窗之下,其餘視窗與我們視窗重合區域的顏色資訊,然後將這些資訊繪製到我們視窗的非時鐘圓的其餘區域。說白了就是把下面視窗的樣子畫到我們自己視窗上,給人的錯覺就是自己的視窗透明瞭看到了下面視窗的樣子。---DONE

In Windows 95/98 and Windows NT® 4.0 the proper way for an application to create a window with a complex shape, such as a rounded balloon or a cool transparent digital clock, is to specify the shape by supplying the window region representing the shape via the SetWindowRgn API. There are several drawbacks to using window regions. If a regional window animates its shape frequently or is dragged on the screen, Windows will have to ask windows beneath the regional window to repaint. Besides generating more message traffic, the calculations that occur when Windows tries to figure out invalid regions or visible regions become increasingly expensive when a window has an associated region. In addition, using window regions only addresses transparency—that is, color-key effects. It does not address translucency—that is, a way to top-level windows.

windows95/98 windows NT 4.0中,應用程式要建立一個具有複雜形狀視窗(例如圓形的氣球狀、透明的數字時鐘)的一般方法,是通過呼叫SetWindowRgn併為其提供描繪視窗形狀的視窗區域引數。然而,使用視窗區域是帶有一些缺陷的:如果一個視窗反覆的繪製自己或被頻繁地在螢幕上拖曳,windows就會要求該視窗之下的其餘視窗重繪自己。其結果除了因大量訊息而導致的擁堵外,也將使windows因為反覆地計算視窗無效區域和可視區域,而浪費昂貴的資源與時間。此外使用視窗區域只能處理視窗透明而不能處理半透明的效果。


1.     例如我們要建立一個橢圓形的視窗,在MFC中的實現方法是:

  1. CRect rect;  
  2. GetWindowRect(&rect);  
  3. this->ScreenToClient(&rect);  
  4. CRgn region;  
  5. region.CreateEllipticRgn(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);  
  6. SetWindowRgn((HRGN)region.GetSafeHandle(), TRUE);  
2.   視窗透明與半透明的區別:

視窗透明: 針對某一特定顏色。透過該顏色的區域可以看到下層視窗,並且該區域不捕獲滑鼠訊息,




This is where layered windows come to the rescue. Layered windows really encompass two different concepts: layering—windows' ability to exhibit sprite-like behavior; and redirection—the system's ability to redirect the drawing of legacy windows into an off-screen buffer.


Using a layered window can significantly improve performance and visual effects for a window that has a complex shape, animates its shape, or wishes to use alpha blending effects. The system automatically composes and repaints layered windows and the windows of underlying applications. As a result, layered windows are rendered smoothly, without the flickering typical of complex window regions. In addition, layered windows can be partially translucent, that is, alpha-blended.


Using Layered Windows使用分層視窗

For any layering to take place, the WS_EX_LAYERED bit needs to be set, either at window creation time or by callingSetWindowLong with GWL_EXSTYLE. Next, the developer has a choice: Use the existing Microsoft Win32® painting paradigm by responding to WM_PAINT and/or other paint messages, or make use of a more powerful layering API,UpdateLayeredWindow.

To use UpdateLayeredWindow, the visual bits for a layered window have to be rendered into a compatible bitmap. Then, via a compatible GDI Device Context, the bitmap is provided to the UpdateLayeredWindow API, along with the desired color-key and alpha-blend information. The bitmap can also contain per-pixel alpha information.

Note that when using UpdateLayeredWindow the application doesn't need to respond to WM_PAINT or other painting messages, because it has already provided the visual representation for the window and the system will take care of storing that image, composing it, and rendering it on the screen. UpdateLayeredWindow is quite powerful, but it often requires modifying the way an existing Win32 application draws.




The second way to use layered windows is to continue using the Win32 painting paradigm, but allowing the system to redirect all the drawing for the layered window and its children into an off-screen bitmap. This can be done by callingSetLayeredWindowAttributes with the desired constant alpha value and/or the color-key. Once the API has been called, the system will start redirecting all drawing by the window and automatically apply the specified effects.

To set the opacity level or the transparency color key for a given layered window, callSetLayeredWindowAttributes.After the call, the system may still ask the window to paint when the window is shown or resized. However, because the system stores the image of a layered window, the system will not ask the window to paint if parts of it are revealed as a result of relative window moves on the desktop. Legacy applications do not need to restructure their painting code if they want to add translucency or transparency effects for a window, because the system redirects the painting of windows that called SetLayeredWindowAttributes into off-screen memory and recomposes it to achieve the desired effect.



Using UpdateLayeredWindow attributes may be more efficient at times, because the application may not need to store a memory bitmap for every layered window. The application can keep one memory bitmap and render into it just before calling UpdateLayeredWindow for a number of layered windows. Depending on how often the application calls UpdateLayeredWindow, it can also delete the bitmap after calling the API. On the other hand, windows redirected by the system will always carry the overhead of having to maintain a memory bitmap for every redirected window. This is in addition to the memory normally consumed by a layered window if UpdateLayeredWindow was used to display it. Thus, while certainly more convenient, using SetLayeredWindowAttributes comes with a price tag. If your window does a fast animation, UpdateLayeredWindow is the way to go.



Please remember that once SetLayeredWindowAttributes has been called on a layered window, subsequentUpdateLayeredWindow calls will fail until the layering style bit is cleared and set again. This is becauseSetLayeredWindowAttributes turns on the redirection of the window's drawing, and once that happensUpdateLayeredWindow can give contradictory information as to what the window really looks like.


Hit Testing點選測試(命中測試)

Hit testing of a layered window is based on the shape and transparency of the window. This means that the areas of the window that are color-keyed or whose alpha value is zero will let the mouse messages through.


If the layered window has the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT extended window style, the shape of the layered window will be ignored and the mouse events will be passed to the other windows underneath the layered window.


Transition Effects 過渡效果

You don't need to write a lot of code to fade a window in or out. The AnimateWindow API can do all the work for you. In fact, this is how the shell's Start menu and other menus do the open fade-in effect.


Internally, AnimateWindow will make your windows layered and give the desired transition effect.

Besides fades, AnimateWindow can also do sliding effects. In fact, if you're writing custom menus, this API can be quite useful. To be a good desktop citizen, your application should figure out whether, when showing the menu, to animate it at all. To get that information, you should query the system via the SystemParametersInfo API using SPI_GETMENUANIMATION. Furthermore, you can use SPI_GETMENUFADE to determine whether to use the slide or the fade

animation effect. Once you know what effect to use, pass in AW_SLIDE to AnimateWindow to get the slide effect and AW_BLEND to get the fade effect.

AnimateWindow also has a parameter that specifies how long the transition should take. Typically, a transition effect shouldn't take longer than 200 milliseconds.





Examples of Using Layered Windows(使用分層視窗示例)

If you want a dialog box to come up as a translucent window:


1.     Create the dialog box as usual.

2.     On WM_INITDIALOG, set the layered bit of the window's extended style and callSetLayeredWindowAttributes with the desired alpha value.

The code might look like this:

// Set WS_EX_LAYERED on this window

SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE,GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) | WS_EX_LAYERED);

// Make this window 70% alpha

SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hwnd, 0, (255 * 70) / 100, LWA_ALPHA);