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ALex:to give you a better comprehension






一、python for 量化
1 像電腦科學家一樣思考Python
2 [Python標準庫].Doug.Hellmann.掃描版
4 用Python做科學計算
5 利用Python進行資料分析
6 Python資料分析基礎教程:NumPy學習指南(第2版)
7 NumPy攻略
7 Python科學計算與資料分析
8 A Practical Guide To Quantitative Portfolio Trading
9 Data Structures and Algorthms Using Python
10 Mastering Python for Finance

二、R for 量化
1 R語言入門
2 R語言程式設計藝術
3 R語言實戰 中文版
4 使用R進行資料分析與作圖
5 Introduction.to.R.for.Quantitative.Finance
6 Quantitative Trading with R Understanding Mathematical and Computational Tools from a Quant’s Perspective
7 Mastering R for Quantitative Finance
8 Mastering Predictive Analytics with R
9 金融資料分析導論:基於R語言

三、Quant Interview Books
1 150 Most Frequently Asked Questions on Quant Interviews
2 [Mark Joshi]Quant Job Interview Questions And Answers
3 [Xinfeng Zhou]A practical Guide to quantitative finance interviews
4 Frequently-Asked-Questions-Quant-Interview
5 Heard on the Street Quantitative Questions from Wall Street Job Interviews
6 The 200 Investment Banking Interview Questions & Answers You Need to Know

1 algorithmic trading winning strategies and their rationale
2 barra handbook US
3 Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies(交易策略百科全書)
4 Inside the Black Box -A Simple Guide to Quantitative and High Frequency Trading(2nd.Edition)
5 NASSIM Taleb-Dynamic Hedging
6 Options Futures and Other Derivatives 8th - John Hull
7 Quantative Trading Strategies
8 Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management:Modern Techniques and Applications
9 Quantitative Trading How to Build Your Own Algorithmic Trading Business
10 Quantitative Trading How to Build Your Own Algorithmic Trading Business

1 金融計量學從初級 到 高階建模技術
2 哈佛教材 應用計量經濟學 stata
3 高等計量經濟學 李子奈等編著
4 Analysis of Financial Time Series- Financial Econometrics(2002)金融時序分析
5 Phoebus J. Dhrymes, Mathematics for Econometrics, 4e
6 Osborne,Rubinstein-A Course in Game Theory
7 Model Building in Mathematical Programming(5e)
8 Hayashi - Econometrics
9 Gujarati-Essentials of Econometrics計量精要
10 Akira Takayama - Mathematical Economics

1 國信證券金融工程
2 大券商2016年年度投資策略報告
3 光大證券
4 海通證券申
5 萬大師系列
6 他山之石系列
7 中信證券
8 廣發證券

1 python
2 R語言基礎、進階、七武器(quantmod、ggplot2….)
3 金融工程 89集 鄭振龍 廈門大學
4 金融時間序列分析

