1. 程式人生 > >國際知名大學計算機視覺研究小組列表


This page has lots of images; a text-only page is also available. groupAdvanced research on multidimensional imaging systems : 3D/2D vision medical imaging telecommunications and multimediaSpecializes in human media technology and in knowledge based and trainable systems (computer vision and computational intelligence)The object recognition group specializes in statistical image object recognition.Primarily researching (1) structure from motion and related geometric problems in computer vision, and (2) video surveillance and analysis. (See publications.)groupgroupgroupShape representation, 3D object and scene reconstructions, Object recognition, Computer vision for Architecture, Archaeology, CAD, and beyond.Our group is interested in understanding the problems that involve dynamic, spatial interaction at the intersection of vision, robotics, and human-computer interaction.- Center for Research and Applications in Image and Signal ProcessinggroupModel-based human tracking, robust methods and medical image understanding.groupgroupSpecialises in machine vision, automated inspection, 3d vision, geometric computing, medical imaging, and computer graphicsSpecializes in multimodal human computer interaction, real-time face tracking, eye/gaze tracking, lipreadingat MITOur main activities are research and teaching in the fields of image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, hardware design for image acquisition and processing.groupGroupCAVEThe Image Analysis (IA) group performs research within the foundation of image and shape analysis and primarily medical image analysis applications.The Cyclops Project is a German/Brazilian project aimed at the development of an intelligent envoironment for the support of diagnopsis-oriented medical image analysis tasks. The Project is supported by the German-Brazilian Cooperation Programme on Information Technology.Projects include video OCR, handwriting recognition, face analysisThe main scope of the group is to perform and promote research in application problems that rise in the science of electrical and computer engineering, as well as in the production engineering one. Such applications are robotics, image processing, analysis and understanding, digital arts, database image retrieval, quality control, visual surveillance and intelligent sensory networks. The tools that the group uses to expand the front of the science and the corresponding research areas of interest are: Artificial Vision (including Machine Vision, Cognitive Vision and Robot Vision) Intelligent Systems (such as Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Neural Network) Sensor Data Fusion Pattern RecognitionSpecializes in real time hand gesture recognition, pattern analysis and recognition, and vision-based systems.Research topics include human tracking, gesture recognition, monitoring for independent living, vision-based interfaces, medical image analysis and medical imagingGroupWe focus on modeling people and their motion from images and video sequences.groupEUTIST-IMV is a European Commission supported initiative to help companies to innovate and improve their businesses by using machine vision technology. The website introduces the on-going projects and gives practical examples of machine vision solutions for different industries and applications.Home-page of the Intelligent Industrial Systems group of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil.The Center for Applied Vision and Imaging Sciences (CAVIS) at Florida State University is dedicated to research and education in computer vision, pattern recognition and applications.deptThe activities concerned are the processing and the exploitation of information, available mainly but not restrictively to images (visible, infrared, synthetic aperture radar), applied to robotics, image-based intelligence and geomatics.Computer vision at GE includes basic and applied research in surveillance, aerial and broadcast video understanding; medical imaging; industrial inspection; and general image analysis.labThe Computational Perception Laboratory (CPL) was developed to explore and develop the next generation of intelligent machines, interfaces, and environments that can perceive, recognize, anticipate, and interact with humans.Focal points are Machine Vision, Image Analysis and Computer Graphics Applications are in areas such as machine vision in industry and medicine, 3D-modelling of objects, buildings and urban ensembles, and environmental remote sensingBasic research specialization: Orientation analysis, Symmetries and Tensors, local structure, texture and motion segmentation. Applied research specialization: Multimodal person authentication, face recognition, content based image retrieval, object recognitiongroup (KOGS) (most info in German)This objective of the group is to invent, design, and integrate innovative video-based technologies into a distributed architecture to enhance the efficiency and capabilities of surveillance and security systems.Textures and patterns: fundamental structural features Motion: feature-based tracking Image and video databases: retrieval Industrial inspection: shape defect detectionThe computer vision group studies problems in machine visual perception, such as media annotation, people detection and human gesture tracking and recognition.labresearch in the key areas of robotics surgery: modeling of deformable organs, planning and simulation of robotics procedures and safe & real-time integration.Home Page, 
Sophia Antipolis
 center, INRIA Home PagePattern Recognition and Visionspecializing in sensor integration and active perceptionDevelopment of new mathematical operators for the purpose of both understanding biological vision and developing real-time image-processing systems.Mission of TeV is to develop innovative techniques devoted to applicative topics, which currently include: Content based indexing of documents, images and videos, surveillance and biometic person identification.at KTH (Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology)Specializes in 2-D and 3-D medical image acquisition, manipulation, display, analysis, transmission, and archiving.creators of KhorosImage processing and analysisSpecializes in biologically motivated computer visionSpecialized in analysis and synthesis of human motion through image processing.LabAlgorithms and software tools for scientific imaging applications.Webpage of the Le2i, a french research lab on computer vision and image processingOur specialities are in the areas of tracking and behaviour modelling, medical imaging, the use of colour in image coding and compression, and OMR and handwriting recognition.Mammogram Analysis, Image Database Retrieval, Gesture Recognition and Industrial Inspection.Research includes 3D vision, real-time tracking, omni-directional processing, remote reality and teleoperation, super-resolution imaging, medical-imaging, multi-res imaging/algorithms, image-oriented user interface issues, IUE, CORBA, and DCE.groupMedical and industial image processing, pattern recognition and classification bio-signal processing,Computer vision, image analysis and tomography from a mathematical perspective.labSpecializes in human activity monitoring, intelligent transportation systems, and distributed robotics.Stereo processing from off-the-shelf cameras, camera path computation (as seen on the logo), recognition and tracking from video, reconstruction from multiple cameras, ubiquitous video- vision-guided automation3-D laser range sensing; geometric image processing; object and environment modeling of shape and reflectance; applications in computer graphics, manufacturing, robotics.Multiscale image analysis, enhancement, feature extraction and object detection with algebraic, geometric and statistical methods. Analysis and modeling of shape, texture, color, and motion.concentration on human visionSpecializes in human activity analysisPerceptual organization, 3D vision, stereo.Active Vision, Projective Geometry, Medical Image AnalysisSpecializes in visual reconstruction from uncalibrated image sequences.lab, and 
Robotics Research
 group- Pohang University of Science and TechnologylabVision group- Research and Development for Image Understanding SystemsReal-Time Face Detection, Face Biometrics, Camera Tracking and 3D Reconstruction, Mobile Robot VisionGroupResearch Lines: Disassembly Planning, Multiagent Systems, Planning and Scheduling, Image Analysis and Processing, 3D Modeling, Real-Time Systems, Computer Architectures's 
Perception Program
 at its AI Centerresearch in both fundamental and applied problems in computer vision, image processing, machine learning, and multimedia.Computer vision research, especially in range image processing, object recognition.Microrobotic systems and real-time computer vision (Kindly remove previous link with regards to http://vision.eng.shu.ac.uk on the list)Research on 3D image acquisition, surface reconstruction, and image registration and fusionlabFocus is on 3D imaging and visualization technologies for biomedical applications.Computer vision group performs research in the fields of medical image analysis and visualization, shape modeling and visualization, and remote sensing.Specializes in vision-based quality control of industrial processes and automated, model-based image analysis.vision for autonomous robotsDevelopment and use of methods and theory in practical applications: Biomedical Imaging, Industrial Vision, Material Science, and Remote Sensing.Technion -- Israel Institute of TechnologyMain fields of interest: Pattern recognition, Analysis of color images, Clinical applications of imaging systems, Image segmentation, Biological and computational vision systems, Computer graphics, Robot vision research, Virtual reality and stereoscopic vision.we work on vision systems in intelligent vehicles, vision metrology systems, softcopy workstations for mapping, Feature extraction in LIDAR or ALS data and we are interested in anythings which related to photogrammetry and comuter vision.labWe are interested in applications of Partial Differential Equations to Computer Vision, Image Denoising and Enhancement, Optic Flow , Dense Disparity Map, 3-D Geometry Reconstruction, Medical Imaging, Mutiscale Analysis, etc..Computational, theoretical, and psychophysical Studies of biological and artificial visual systemsResearch on several areas of image analysis and pattern recognition.Studying the problem of automatically generating 3D models from 2D sketches.The central research themes of ISIS are image databases and computer vision, particularly where the two themes meet. We do strategic and fundamental research regularly in a multi-disciplinary and applied settingresearch in the area of pattern analysis, computer vision, and speech understanding and applications to bioinformatics and natural sciencesbasic research in motion analaysis, unsupervised segmentation, model-based image interpretation, reconfigurable and novel architectures for image interpretation, speech analysis, speech synthesis and its application in medicine, industrial inspection and education.The main research effort of the Biometric Systems Lab is devoted to develop efficient automatic systems for classification, identification and recognition of human characteristics, such as hand shape, fingerprint and face. Our ongoing contacts with industrial partners ensure that our research results will be tested in real applications.Our team works at the use of topology and geometry in computer vision and robotic applications. We are mainly interested in the use of Size Functions and Size Theory for shape comparison.groupgrouplablabResearch in "imaging, interaction, and innovative interfaces" (four I's) - primary focus on computer vision, HCI, and augmented reality.lablabgroupgroupOur current research projects include image segmentation, pose, shape, color, motion and mimic estimation of real objects for robotics, on-line inspection, in-situ microscopy and video compression.face recognition, autonomous vehicle navigation, motion and occlusion, edge findingPattern Analysis and Neural NetworksGroupLaboratory for integrated advanced roboticsThe goal of the VPCL is to advance the state of the art in the theory and applications of Visual Computing and Parallel Computing. Current projects deal with machine vision for inspection and production planning, image analysis of DNA microarrays, pattern recognition problems in DNA analysis, analysis of motion in video sequences and applications of parallel computing to the above problems.By combining the science of 'photogrammetry' with digital camera technology, it is now possible to capture 3D models of people, animals and objects that are both metrically accurate and photo-realistic in appearance. Ongoing research within the Partnership is also exploring 3D data extraction from still images and movie sequences and the extension of the imaging technology to capture images in real time.Specializes in image representational models, distortion measures, target distinctness and image compressiongroupWe are interested in exploring real-time dynamic visual processes (e.g., tracking, optical flow, binocular vision) cast in a particle filter framework. We also explore using these visual processes for autonomous robot control in conjunction with markovian planning techniques for various applications such as elderly or disabled aids, search and rescue robotics, intelligent automobiles,...specialises in photogrammetry, remote sensing, and aerial image analysis, in connection with geographic information systemsSpecializes in the application of vision models (particularly local frequency representations and segmentation-based models) to image and image sequence processing and computer vision.Scientific ApplicationsgrouplabComputer vision and Medical Imaging researchLablabStill image segmentation and real-time image analysisWe are currently working on areas such as Gesture recognition, Vision based tracking for VR, and Skin Detection studiesThe Image Processing & Interpretation (IPI) Research Group addresses basic issues in image processing and analysis, machine vision and artificial intelligence. The group combines theoretical and applied research, working within forcing domains provided by real problems and applications.Categories include: Computer Vision, Image Processing, Video and Audio Processing and Coding.Our current research focuses on range image segmentation, 3D modeling from range images, medical images processing, visualization and content-based image retrieval.Specializes in visual attention mechanisms; includes human-computer interfacesWe do research in computer vision (shape and motion estimation), computer graphics and medical image analysislabGroupArtificial vision applications to manufacturing processes and product quality control.The lab focuses on problems related to the design of intelligent domestic and helper robots. These include artificial vision for object recognition and vision for spatial navigation, actions planning and sequencing, and natural language instruction dialogues with the user.Automatic visual automation in manufacturing three-dimesional vision visual information management systemsLabSpecializes in person recognition using video sequencesgroup at the Instituto de Fisica de São CarlosGroupGroupFocusing on cluster-based computer vision within the Spiral Architecture.group(CS)research groupgroupSpecialize in surface inspectionFocus is on medical imagingObject recognition, 3D Computer Vision, Graph theory in CV, AI methods in CVOur research are concentrated on Object detection, recognition, tracking, Human activity recognition and tracking.Applied research in computer vision and pattern recognition.groupspecializing in medical computer visionLabGroupResearch in the Vision Lab at York University concentrates on theoretical and applied aspects of computer vision, with a particular emphasis on stereo and motion analysis.carries out research into sensory and motor processes, perception, and computer vision.The ePI Lab is a is a computer vision research and development lab focused on the area of personal imaging, mediated reality and wearable computers.Our research focuses on: (1) the study of mathematically sound methods for solving classification problems (2) the development of techniques for extracting visual information from images.a team of multidisplinary reserachers on the field of artificial vision, pattern recognition, image processing, learning algorithms, genetic computing, artificial intelligence, and perception