1. 程式人生 > >Modern C++ Course [Lecture 8] {Smart/Unique/Shared pointers, Associative containers, Type casting, Enumeration, Binary files}

Modern C++ Course [Lecture 8] {Smart/Unique/Shared pointers, Associative containers, Type casting, Enumeration, Binary files}

only use them with heap memory. never ever apply them to stack















try to avoid using "new and delete" if you can use shared or unique ptr










 delete the a_ptr twice: from } the stack wants to delete a_ptr, from unique_ptr, heap wants to delete a_ptr too.







be cautious with line 8 comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!





























ptr (&a) gets adjacted to be a ptr to a single byte type and then this ptr gets next byte, next byte, until it reaches sieof(a)





 My own implementation:

