1. 程式人生 > >2019.1.3 WLAN 802.11 a/b/g PHY Specification and EDVT Measurement II - Transmit Spectrum Mask & Current Consumption

2019.1.3 WLAN 802.11 a/b/g PHY Specification and EDVT Measurement II - Transmit Spectrum Mask & Current Consumption

Transmit Spectrum Mask Specification – 802.11b

For 802.11b
The transmitted spectral products shall be less than –30dBc for fc-22MHz < f < fc-11MHz, fc+11MHz < f < fc+22MHz, -50dBc for f < fc-22MHz, and f > fc+22MHz, where fc is the channel centre frequency.

Transmit Spectrum Mask Specification – 802.11a/g

For 802.11a, 802.11g 19.5.4
The transmitted spectral products shall be less than –20dBc at 11MHz frequency offset, -28dBc at 20MHz frequency offset, -40dBc at 30MHz frequency offset. Perform the test in accordance with the following procedure.

Discrepancy between 1M/2Mbps and 5.5M/11Mbps


Current Consumption

RD Phase
-Current Consumption at Normal Condition (room Temperature & Normal Voltage)
-Current @ Continuous Transmit at Calibrated Power
-DSSS (1M, 2M, 5.5M, 11M)
-OFDM (6M, 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M, 36M, 48M, 54M)
-Current @ Continuous Receive
-No Packets (Noise Only)
-With Packet and Noise
-Current @ Different Calibrated Power
Use Open Loop Power Control to Transceiver If Device is not Calibrated

GUI Phase (SQA)
-Current Consumption at Normal Condition (room Temperature & Normal Voltage)
-Current @ GUI Operation
-Idle and not Association
-Idle and Association
-Power Saving Mode
-Standby Mode (Notebook or PC)
-Sleeping Mode (Notebook or PC)
-Hardware Radio Disable Mode (Notebook)
-Software Radio Disable Mode (Notebook)


EDVT Condition  :Nominal Voltage +/- 10%  3.0V, 3.3V, 3.6V  Low,Room,High Temperature  0C, 25C, 60C