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知識圖譜 論文

Large-scale factorization of type-constrained multi-relational data
Querying factorized probabilistic triple databases
Logistic tensor factorization for multi-relational data
Reducing the rank in relational factorization models by including observable patterns

Translating embeddings for modeling multi-relational data(TransE)
Knowledge Graph Embedding by Translating on Hyperplanes (TransH)
Learning Entity and Relation Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion(TransR)
Knowledge graph embedding via dynamic mapping matrix(TransD)
Knowledge graph completion with adaptive sparse transfer matrix(TransSparse)
Learning to represent knowledge graphs with gaussian embeddings(KG2E)
Representation learning of knowledge graphs with entity description
Modeling relation paths for representation learning of knowledge bases
Knowledge base completion using embeddings and rules
Leveraging Lexical Resources for Learning Entity Embeddings in Multi-Relational Data
Representation Learning of Knowledge Graphs with Hierarchical Types
Knowledge Representation Learning with Entities
Semantic Space Projection for Knowledge Graph Embedding with Text Description
a novel embedding model of entitiesand relationships in knowledge bases

Reasoning with neural tensor networks for knowledge base completion
A semantic matching energy function for learning with multi-relational data

Freebase : a collaboratively created graph database for structuring human knowledge
Learning structured embeddings of knowledge bases
A latent factor model for highly multi-relational data
Modelling relational data using bayesian clustered tensor factorization
Knowledge vault : A web-scale approach to probabilistic knowledge fusion