1. 程式人生 > >memcache原理1.5.8——記憶體分配與淘汰





記憶體分配首先通過命令列的-m引數給資料預留記憶體。然後記憶體會按照預設每頁1M大小分配給需要的slab class。然後這1M記憶體根據需要配切分成指定大小的chunks然後看一下啟動memcache時的一些log
$ ./memcached -vv
slab class   1: chunk size        80 perslab   13107
slab class   2: chunk size       104 perslab   10082
slab class   3: chunk size       136 perslab    7710
slab class   4: chunk size       176 perslab    5957
slab class   5: chunk size       224 perslab    4681
slab class   6: chunk size       280 perslab    3744
slab class   7: chunk size       352 perslab    2978
slab class   8: chunk size       440 perslab    2383
slab class   9: chunk size       552 perslab    1899
slab class  10: chunk size       696 perslab    1506
比如上面的例子中,如果要儲存的資料大小是50bytes,那麼會儲存到slab1中,如果是90bytes,會儲存到slab2中。memcache會找到對應的合適大小的slab class,然後儲存到其中。



然後,如果開始了slab_automove=1的選項,那麼內部會有一個程序進行處理,會處理被分配超過2個page的slab class,如果當前的slab class有能夠回收的page,把對應的page回收放在global_page_pool中供其他有需要的slab class使用。最後,當某個slab class需要申請page的時候,會優先使用global_page_pool中的page,如果沒有,會向記憶體新申請一個page。




/usr/local/memcached/bin/memcached -d -m 4 -u root -p 13212 -o slab_reassign,slab_automove=1


Slabs Reassign

NOTE: This command is subject to change as of this writing.

The slabs reassign command is used to redistribute memory once a running
instance has hit its limit. It might be desirable to have memory laid out
differently than was automatically assigned after the server started.

slabs reassign <source class> <dest class>\r\n

- <source class> is an id number for the slab class to steal a page from

A source class id of -1 means "pick from any valid class"

- <dest class> is an id number for the slab class to move a page to

The response line could be one of:

- "OK" to indicate the page has been scheduled to move

- "BUSY [message]" to indicate a page is already being processed, try again

- "BADCLASS [message]" a bad class id was specified

- "NOSPARE [message]" source class has no spare pages

- "NOTFULL [message]" dest class must be full to move new pages to it

- "UNSAFE [message]" source class cannot move a page right now

- "SAME [message]" must specify different source/dest ids.

Slabs Automove

NOTE: This command is subject to change as of this writing.

The slabs automove command enables a background thread which decides on its
own when to move memory between slab classes. Its implementation and options
will likely be in flux for several versions. See the wiki/mailing list for
more details.

The automover can be enabled or disabled at runtime with this command.

slabs automove <0|1>

- 0|1|2 is the indicator on whether to enable the slabs automover or not.

The response should always be "OK\r\n"

- <0> means to set the thread on standby

- <1> means to return pages to a global pool when there are more than 2 pages
  worth of free chunks in a slab class. Pages are then re-assigned back into
  other classes as-needed.

- <2> is a highly aggressive mode which causes pages to be moved every time
  there is an eviction. It is not recommended to run for very long in this
  mode unless your access patterns are very well understood.

NOTE: This command (and related commands) are subject to change as of this

The LRU Crawler is an optional background thread which will walk from the tail
toward the head of requested slab classes, actively freeing memory for expired
items. This is useful if you have a mix of items with both long and short
TTL's, but aren't accessed very often. This system is not required for normal
usage, and can add small amounts of latency and increase CPU usage.

lru_crawler <enable|disable>

- Enable or disable the LRU Crawler background thread.

The response line could be one of:

- "OK" to indicate the crawler has been started or stopped.

- "ERROR [message]" something went wrong while enabling or disabling.

lru_crawler sleep <microseconds>

- The number of microseconds to sleep in between each item checked for
  expiration. Smaller numbers will obviously impact the system more.
  A value of "0" disables the sleep, "1000000" (one second) is the max.

The response line could be one of:

- "OK"

- "CLIENT_ERROR [message]" indicating a format or bounds issue.

lru_crawler tocrawl <32u>

- The maximum number of items to inspect in a slab class per run request. This
  allows you to avoid scanning all of very large slabs when it is unlikely to
  find items to expire.

The response line could be one of:

- "OK"

- "CLIENT_ERROR [message]" indicating a format or bound issue.

lru_crawler crawl <classid,classid,classid|all>

- Takes a single, or a list of, numeric classids (ie: 1,3,10). This instructs
  the crawler to start at the tail of each of these classids and run to the
  head. The crawler cannot be stopped or restarted until it completes the
  previous request.

  The special keyword "all" instructs it to crawl all slabs with items in

The response line could be one of:

- "OK" to indicate successful launch.

- "BUSY [message]" to indicate the crawler is already processing a request.

- "BADCLASS [message]" to indicate an invalid class was specified.

lru_crawler metadump <classid,classid,classid|all>

- Similar in function to the above "lru_crawler crawl" command, this function
  outputs one line for every valid item found in the matching slab classes.
  Similar to "cachedump", but does not lock the cache and can return all
  items, not just 1MB worth.

  Lines are in "key=value key2=value2" format, with value being URI encoded
  (ie: %20 for a space).

  The exact keys available are subject to change, but will include at least:

  "key", "exp" (expiration time), "la", (last access time), "cas",
  "fetch" (if item has been fetched before).

The response line could be one of:

- "OK" to indicate successful launch.

- "BUSY [message]" to indicate the crawler is already processing a request.

- "BADCLASS [message]" to indicate an invalid class was specified.