阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-05
/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 煙臺大學計算機學院 * All rights reserved. * 作 者:紀麗娜 * 完成日期:2014 年 4 月21 日 * 版 本 號:v1.0 * 問題描述: (1)再定義一目運算子 -,-c相當於0-c。 (2)定義Complex類中的<<和>>運算子的過載, 實現輸入和輸出,改造原程式中對運算結果顯示方式, 使程式讀起來更自然。 */ #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Complex { public: Complex() { real=0; imag=0; } Complex(double r,double i) { real=r; imag=i; } Complex operator+(Complex &c2); Complex operator-(Complex &c2); Complex operator*(Complex &c2); Complex operator/(Complex &c2); //一目運算子 Complex operator-(); //c+c1 friend Complex operator+(double c,Complex &c1); friend Complex operator-(double c,Complex &c1); friend Complex operator*(double c,Complex &c1); friend Complex operator/(double c,Complex &c1); //c1+c friend Complex operator+(Complex &c2,double c); friend Complex operator-(Complex &c2,double c); friend Complex operator*(Complex &c2,double c); friend Complex operator/(Complex &c2,double c); friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & output,Complex &c); friend istream & operator>>(istream & input,Complex &c); private: double real; double imag; }; //下面定義成員函式 //一目 Complex Complex::operator-() { return(0-*this); } //二目運算子 Complex Complex::operator+(Complex &c2) { Complex c; c.real=real+c2.real; c.imag=imag+c2.imag; return c; } Complex Complex::operator-(Complex &c2) { Complex c; c.real=real-c2.real; c.imag=imag-c2.imag; return c; } Complex Complex::operator*(Complex &c2) { Complex c; c.real=(real*c2.real-imag*c2.imag); c.imag=(real*c2.imag+imag*c2.real); return c; } Complex Complex::operator/(Complex &c2) { Complex c; c.real=(real*c2.real+imag*c2.imag)/(c2.real*c2.real+c2.imag*c2.imag); c.imag=(imag*c2.real-real*c2.imag)/(c2.real*c2.real+c2.imag*c2.imag); return c; } //c+c1 Complex operator+(double c,Complex &c1) { return Complex(c+c1.real,c1.imag); } Complex operator-(double c,Complex &c1) { return Complex(c-c1.real,c1.imag); } Complex operator*(double c,Complex &c1) { return Complex(c*c1.real,c*c1.imag); } Complex operator/(double c,Complex &c1) { Complex c2; c2.real=(c*c1.real)/(c1.real*c1.real+c1.imag*c1.imag); c2.imag=-1*((c*c1.imag)/(c1.real*c1.real+c1.imag*c1.imag)); return c2; } //c1+c Complex operator+(Complex &c2,double c) { return Complex(c2.real+c,c2.imag); } Complex operator-(Complex &c2,double c) { return Complex(c2.real-c,c2.imag); } Complex operator*(Complex &c2,double c) { return Complex(c*c2.real,c*c2.imag); } Complex operator/(Complex &c2,double c) { return Complex(c2.real/c,c2.imag/c); } //輸出 ostream & operator<<(ostream & output,Complex &c) { if(c.real==0) {output<<c.imag<<"i"<<endl; }else { if(c.imag<0) {output<<c.real<<c.imag<<"i"<<endl; }else if(c.imag==0) {output<<c.real<<endl; }else {output<<c.real<<"+"<<c.imag<<"i"<<endl;} } return output; } //輸入 istream & operator>>(istream & input,Complex &c) { cout<<"input real part and imaginary part of complex numble:"; input>>c.real>>c.imag; return input; } //下面定義用於測試的main()函式 int main() { Complex c1,c2,c3; cin>>c1>>c2; double c; cout<<"c1="<<c1; cout<<"c2="<<c2; c3=-c1; cout<<"-c1="<<c3;//不能直接輸出-c1無法識別先賦值再輸出! c3=-c2; cout<<"-c2="<<c3; c3=c1+c2; cout<<"c1+c2="<<c3; c3=c1-c2; cout<<"c1-c2="<<c3; c3=c1*c2; cout<<"c1*c2="<<c3; c3=c1/c2; cout<<"c1/c2="<<c3; cout<<"請輸入一個double型別的資料與c1進行運算:"<<endl; cin>>c; c3=c+c1; cout<<"c+c1="<<c3; c3=c-c1; cout<<"c-c1="<<c3; c3=c*c1; cout<<"c*c1="<<c3; c3=c/c1; cout<<"c/c1="<<c3; cout<<"請輸入一個double型別的資料與c2進行運算:"<<endl; cin>>c; c3=c2+c; cout<<"c2+c="<<c3; c3=c2-c; cout<<"c2-c="<<c3; c3=c2*c; cout<<"c2*c="<<c3; c3=c2/c; cout<<"c2/c="<<c3; return 0; }