實驗三 資料庫多表查詢、資料更新、檢視
(1) 查詢每個學生及其選修課情況(使用自然連線)。
select student.*,SC.* from student,SC where student.Sno=SC.Sno
(2) 查詢每個學生的學號、姓名、選修的課程及成績。
Select sc.sno,sname,cno,grade from student,SC where SC.Sno=student.Sno
select sc.sno,sname,cname,sc.cno,grade from student,SC,course where
(3) 查詢選修了2號課程且成績在80分以上的學生姓名,年齡。
select sname,sage from student,sc where SC.Cno='2' and grade>80 and SC.Sno=student.Sno
(4) 查詢選修了課程名為“數學”的學生學號和姓名。
select sname,student.sno from SC,student,course where SC.Sno=student.Sno and Cname='數學'and SC.Cno=Course.Cno
(5) 查詢與
select * from student where Sdept in(select Sdept from student
where Sname='李勇')
(6) 查詢其它系中比資訊系某一學生年齡大的學生姓名和年齡。(寫出2種形式的查詢語句)
select sname,sage from Student where Sage>any
(select Sage from student where Sdept='CS')
and Sdept<>'IS'
select sname,sage from student
where sage
(select MAX(Sage) from Student where Sdept='IS')
and Sdept<>'IS'
(7) 查詢選修了課程1或者選修了課程2的學生。(寫出2種形式的查詢語句)
select sno from SC
where Cno='1' union select sno
from sc where cno='2'
select sno from SC
where Cno='2' union select sno
from sc where cno='1'
(8) 查詢沒有選修2號課程的學生姓名。
select sname from Student
where not exists
(select * from SC where SC.Sno=Student.Sno and Cno='2')
(9) 查詢選修課程1的學生集合與選修課程2的學生集合的交集。
select sno from SC
where Cno='1' intersect select sno from SC where Cno='2'
select sno from SC where Cno='1' and
Sno in(select Sno from SC where Cno='2')
(10) 查詢資訊系的學生與年齡不大於19歲的學生的差集。
select * from Student where Sdept='CS'
except select * from Student where Sage<=19
delete from SC where Sno=any
(select Sno from student where Sdept='IS')
update Course set Cname ='資料庫原理及應用'
where Cno='1'
update SC set Grade ='80'
where Sno =any(
select Sno from Student
where Sdept ='IS')
delete from Student
where Sname ='張立'
insert into Student(Sname,Sno,Ssex,Sage,Sdept)
insert into Course(Cno,Cname,Cpno,Ccredit)
create view CS_View
AS select * from Student
where Sdept='CS'
select * from CS_View
create view CS_SC_View
AS select CS_View.Sno,Sname,Ssex,Sage,Sdept,Cno,Grade
from CS_View,SC
where CS_View.Sno=sc.sno and grade <90 and Cno='3'
select * from CS_SC_View
create view sno_avg(Sno,aveGrade)
AS select Sno,AVG(Grade)
from SC
group by Sno
select * from sno_avg
select *
from CS_View,SC
where CS_View.Sno=SC.Sno and Cno='2'
update CS_View
set Sname='劉留'
where Sno=201215122
select * from CS_View
insert into CS_View(Sno,Sname,Sage,Sdept)
select * from CS_View
select * from student
(7)將檢視CS_View中學號為201215121的學生院系改為IS,檢視Student表中此學生院系是否發生變化。 然後刪除檢視CS_View中學號為201215121的記錄,並檢視Student表中此學生是否被刪除,如被刪除請說明原因。
update CS_View
set Sdept='IS'
where Sno = 201215121
select * from CS_View
select * from Student
from CS_View
where sno = '201215121'
select * from CS_View
select * from Student