【GP的空間】EveryBody in the world should learn how to program a computer...because it teaches you how to think. \n --Steve Jobs
EveryBody in the world should learn how to program a computer...because it teaches you how to think....
【GP的空間】EveryBody in the world should learn how to program a computer...because it teaches you how to think. \n --Steve Jobs
GP的空間 EveryBody in the world should learn how to program a computer...because it teaches you how to think....
【音樂欣賞】《In The End》 - Taska Black、Aviella
曲名:In The End 作者:Taska Black 、Aviella 1 [00:00.00] 作曲 : Joachim Gorrebeeck/Aviella Winder 2 [00:11.48]Lately I've been feelin
【賤賤的夢想】There are only two creatures in the world who can surmount the pyramid —— the eagle and the snail.
賤賤的夢想 There are only two creatures in the world who can surmount the pyramid —— the eagle and the snail....
【CF845F】Guards In The Storehouse 插頭DP
namespace return scan printf swa 超過 障礙 body pri 【CF845F】Guards In The Storehouse 題意:一個n*m的房間,每個格子要麽是障礙要麽是空地。對於每個空地你可以選擇放或者不放守衛。一個守衛能保護到的
【POJ2631】Roads in the North 樹的直徑
題目大意:給定一棵 N 個節點的邊權無根樹,求樹的直徑。 程式碼如下 #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int maxn=1e4+10; struct node{ int n
【NDN IoT】Caching in Named Data Networking for the Wireless Internet of Things
2016年10月28日 22:31:39 魏曉蕾 閱讀數:1533 <span class="tags-box artic-tag-box"> <span class="label">
【POJ2631】Roads in the North【樹的直徑】
題目大意: 題目連結:http://poj.org/problem?id=2631 求一棵樹的直徑。 思路: 樹的直徑模板題。 方法一: 樹形 D
【小工匠】show me the code ,change the world
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【 分類 】- ideas about the world
專欄達人 授予成功建立個人部落格專欄
【CF809D】Hitchhiking in the Baltic States
洛谷連結 題目描述 給你長度為 n 的序列,序列中的每個元素 i 有一個區間限制 [li,ri],你從中選出一個子序列,並給它們標號 xi,要求滿足 ∀i<j,xi<xj,且 ∀i,xi∈[li,ri]。 問滿足條件子序列的長度最長為多少? 1≤n≤
【POJ 2482】 Stars in Your Window(線段樹+離散化+掃描線)
d+ opera algorithm ans som lov ble word wait 【POJ 2482】 Stars in Your Window(線段樹+離散化+掃描線) Time Limit: 1000MS M
【最短路】HDU2680:Choose the best route
namespace src this test least rri sed chan 路徑 Description One day , Kiki wants to visit one of her friends. As she is liable to cars
【POJ 2482】【掃描線問題】Stars in Your Window【包星星問題】
題意: 給出一大堆星星的座標,給出每個星星的亮度。然後給出一個矩形,要求用這個矩形包住的星星的亮度最大。注意:如果星星在矩形邊界上,則不計算這個星星的亮度。 【ps:本題的description是一封極美的情書,文采非常棒,強推!】
【CodeForces - 266B 】Queue at the School (模擬)
題幹: During the break the schoolchildren, boys and girls, formed a queue of n people in the canteen. Initially the children stood in the
本篇主要目的是查詢模式下函式名稱,其中用到自定義型別轉換的方法,為了將引數拼接起來 pg_pro表儲存函式資訊,其中proargtypes欄位表示輸入引數型別。這個欄位是oidvector型別的,查了好多資料也沒找到這是個啥型別,怎麼和pg_type.oid做關聯。於是還是自定義型別轉換吧!
函式指令碼寫得多了,再想統計整理用到的表資訊十分麻煩。甚至存在歷史資料表不再使用的情況,所以需要根據條件對函式引用表資訊進行統計。本篇介紹我常用的指令碼。 1. 查詢某資料表在哪些函式中引用過 select proname from pg_proc w
new concept 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world---imitation
Luanchuan,a small town about whom little is known is located in the north of Henan Province. This is the very place where Shao
【CodeForces - 27E】Number With The Given Amount Of Divisors (數論,數學,反素數)
題幹: Given the number n, find the smallest positive integer which has exactly n divisors. It is guaranteed that for the given n
2631】Roads in the North (樹的直徑,模板)
題幹: Building and maintaining roads among communities in the far North is an expensive business. With this in mind, the roads are build su
【牛客】Eustia of the Tarnished Wings 【模擬】
題目描述 Novus Aither是一個潛藏著多個勢力的城市。每個勢力都有一個唯一的領導人,每個領導人有一個屬性值。如果兩個勢力的領導人的屬性值分別為a,b,且|a-b| ≤ m,說明這兩個領導人的思想有一定的相似之處,這兩個勢力可以合併,新的領導人可以指定為原來的兩個