1. 程式人生 > >NSIS 簡易教程(三)

NSIS 簡易教程(三)

  ;目前可用的callback functions:
  1.    .onGUIInit
  ;this callback will be called just before the first page is loaded and the installer dialog is shown
  ; allowing you to tweak(調整) the user interface
  !include "WinMessages.nsh"
  Function .onGUIInit
  GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1028
  CreateFont $R1 "Tahoma" 10 700
  SendMessage $R0 ${WM_SETFONT} $R1 0
  #set background color to white and text color to red
  SetCtlColors $R0 FFFFFF FF0000
  2.    .onInit;即將完成初始化
  ;this function will be called when the installer is nearly finished initializing. if the '.onInit' function
  ; calls abort,the installer will quit instantly.
  Function .onInit
  MessageBox MB_YESNO "This will install .Continue?" IDYES NoAbort
  Abort;causes installer to quit.
  3.    .onInstFailed;安裝失敗時點選取消
  ;this callback is called when the user hits the 'cancel' button after the install has failed
  Function .onInstFailed
  MessageBox MB_OK "Better luck next time."
  4.    .onInstSuccess ;安裝成功視窗關閉前
  ;this callback is called when the install was successful,right before the install window closes(which
  ;may be after the user clicks 'Close' if AutoCloseWindow or SetAutoClose is set to false)
  Function .onInstSuccess
  MessageBox MB_YESNO "Congrats,it worked.View readme?" IDNO NoReadme
  Exec notepad.exe;view readme or whatever if you want.
  5.    .onGUIEnd;;安裝成功視窗關閉後
  ;this callback is called right after the installer window closes.Use it to free any user interface
  ;related plug-ins if needed
  6.    .onMouseOverSection;滑鼠放置的session發生變化是被呼叫,可以用於改變描述資訊
  ;this callback is called whenever the mouse position over the sections tree has changed.this allows
  ;you to set a description for each section for example.this section id on which the mouse is over
  ;currently is stored ,temporarily,in $0
  Function .onMouseOverSection
  FindWindow $R0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
  GetDlgItem $R0 $R0 1043
  StrCmp $0 0 "" +2
  SendMessage $R0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:first section description"
  StrCmp $0 1 "" +2
  SendMessage $R0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:second section description"
  7.    onRebootFailed;自動重啟失敗
  ;this callback is called if Reboot fails.WritUninstaller,plug-ins,File and WriteRegBin should not be used
  ;in this callback
  Function .onRebootFailed
  MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Reboot failed,Please reboot manually." /SD IDOK
  8.    onSelChange;選擇發生變化
  ;called when the selection changes on the component page.Usefull for using with SectionSetFlags and
  ;SectionSetFlags and SectionGetFlags.
  ;selection changes include both section selection and installation type change.
  9.    onUserAbort
  ;called when the user hits the 'cancel' button,and the install hasn't already failed.If this function
  ;calls Abort,the install will not be aborted.
  MessageBox MB_YESNO "Abort install?" IDYES NoCancelAbort
  do something
  10.    .onVerifyInstDir
  ;enables control over whether or not an installation path is valid for your installer. This code will be
  ;called every time the user changes the install directory,so it shouldn't do anything crazy with MessageBox
  ;or the likes.If this function calls Abort,the installation path in $INSTDIR is deemed invalid.
  IfFileExists $INSTDIR\Winamp.exe PathGood
  Uninstall Callbacks
  11.    un.onGUIInit;解除安裝程式的類似於.onGUIInit
  ;called just before the first page is loaded and the installer dialog is shown, allowing you to tweak the
  ;user interface.
  12.    un.onInit;若呼叫了Abort,程式直接退出,在有必要時檢查一下$INSTDIR
  ;this callback will be called when the uninstaller is nearly finished initializeing.If the
  ;'un.onInit' function calls Abort,the uninstaller will quit instantly.Note that this function can verify
  ;and/or modify $INSTDIR if necessary.
  Function un.onInit
  MessageBox MB_YESNO "This will uninstall." IDYES NoAbort
  Function un.onInit
  IfFileExists $INSTDIR\myfile.exe found
  MessageBox MB_OK "Uninstall path incorrent"
  13.    un.onUninstFailed
  ;called when the user hits the 'cancel' button after the uninstall has failed(if it used the 
  ;Abort command or otherwise failed).
  14.    un.onUninstSuccess
  15.    un.onGUIEnd
  16.    un.onRebootFailed
  17.    un.onSelChange
  18.    un.onUserAbort
  Installer Attributes
  these attributes control how the installer looks and functions,including which pages are present in the
  installer ,as what text is displayed in each part of each page,how the installer is named,what icon the
  installer uses,the default installation directory,what file it writes out,and more,note that these attributes
  can be set anywhere in the file except in a Section or Function .
  1.    AddBrandingImage
  為installer新增一個圖示,但不是icon,its size will be set according to the width/height specified,the installer's
  width/height and the installer font,the final size will not always be what you requested;
  AddBrandingImage only adds a placeholder for an image,to set the image itself on runtime,use SetBrandingImage
  2.    AllowRootDirInstall
  controls whether or not installs are enabled to the root directory of a dirve,or directly into a network
  share,set to true to change the safe behavior,which prevents users from selecting C:\ or \\Server\Share as an
  install(and later on ,uninstall)directory,for additional directory selection page customizability,
  3.    AutoCloseWindow[true]/[false]
  Set whether or not the install window automatically closes when completed.This is overrideable from a
  section using SetAutoClose
  4.    BGFont;設定背景gradient上的字型
  Specifies the font used to show the text on the background gradient.To set the color use BGGradient.
  IF no parameters are specified ,the default font will be used,the default font is bold and italic Times New Roman
  5.    BGGradient;設定背景gradient上字型的顏色,以及是否顯示這樣一個漸變背景
  6.    BrandingText /TRIM(LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER) text
  新增一些文字,但不是視窗標題,預設的是"Nullsoft Install System Vx.xx",text is shown at the bottom of the
  install winidow,setting this to an empty string("") uses the default; to set the string to blank use " "
  accepts variables .if variables are used,they must be initialized on .onInit
  7.    Caption caption
  when used outside a PageEx block:set the text for the titlebar of the installer,the By default,it is 
  'Name Setup',where name is specified with the Name instruction.You can howerver,override it with 
  'My App installer' or whatever
  when used in a PageEx block:sets the subcaption of the current page.
  accepts variables .if variables are used,they must be initialized on .onInit
  8.    ChangeUI dialog ui_file.exe
  by a dialog with the same resource ID in ui_file.exe.you can also specify 'all' as the dialog if you
  wish to replace all 7 of the dialogs at one from the same UI file:
  a.IDD_LICENSE must contain IDC_EDIT1(RICHEDIT control)
  b.IDD_DIR must contain IDC_DIR(edit box),IDC_BROWSE(button) and IDC_CHECK1(checkbox)
  c.IDD_SELCOM must contain IDC_TREE1(SysTreeView32 control),and IDC_COMBO1(combo box)
  d.IDD_INST must contain IDC_BACK(button).If an image control (static with SS_BITMAP style) will be found
  in this dialog it will be used as the default fro SetBrandingImage.
  e.IDD_INSTFILES must contain IDC_LIST1(SysListView32 control),IDC_PROGRESS(msctls_progress32 control),and
  f.IDD_UNINST must contain IDC_EDIT1(edit box)
  g.IDD_VERIFY must contain IDC_STR(static).
  ChangeUI all "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\UIs\sdbarker_tiny.exe"
  9.    CheckBitmap bitmap.bmp ;規格:96*16 pixels 狀態selection mask,checked,greyed out, unchecked&read-only...
  Specifies the bitmap with the images used for the checks of the component-selection page treeview.
  10.    CompletedText text
  Replaces the default text("Completed") that is Printed at the end of the install if parmeter is specified
  Otherwise the default is used.
  accepts variables,but they should be initialized before the message is printed!
  11.    ComponentText [text [subtext] [subtext2]]
  Used to change the default text on the component page.
  text:Text above the controls,to the right of the installation icon.
  Subtext:Text next to the installation type selection
  subtext2:Text to the left of the components list and below the installation type
  the default string will be used if a string is empty("")
  accepts variables.....
  12.    DetailsButtonText show details text
  replace the default details button text
  13    DirText [text] [subtext] [browse_button_text] [browse_dlg_text]
  used to change the default text on the directory page.
  text: text above the controls to the right of the installation icon.
  subtext: text on the directory selection frame.
  browse_button_text:text on the browse button
  browse_dlg_text:text on the "browse for folder" dialog,appears after clicking on "Browse" button
  defalut ""
  14    DirVar user_var(dir input/output)
  specifies which variable is to be used to contain the directory selected.this variable should contain
  the default value too. this allows to easily create two different directory pages that not require you
  to move values in and out of $INSTDIR,the default variable is $INSTDIR,This can only be used in PageEx and
  for directory and uninstConfirm pages.
  15    DirVerify  auto|leave
  if DirVerify leave is used,the Next Button will not be disabled if the dir is not valid
  16    FileErrorText file error text
  Replaces the default text that comes up when a file cannot be written to.
  17 Icon    [patn\]icon.ico
  use UninstallIcon to set the Uninstaller icon.
  18 InstallButtonText install button text
  ;overrides the default install button text(of "Install") with the specified text
  ;accept variables.
  19    InstallColors /windows|(foreground_color background_color)
  ;set the colors to use for the install info screen 
  ;/windows 指示使用預設的前景和背景色
  20    InstallDir definstdir
  Sets the default installation directory.
  21 InstallDirRegKey root_key subkey key_name
  ;this attribute tells the installer to check a string in the registry,and use it for the install dir if
  ;that string is valid.
  ;Language strings和變數不能被使用
  InstallDirRegKey HKLM Software\NSIS "ABC.EXE"
  22 InstProgressFlags [flag[....]]
  ;flag的有效值是:smooth or colored
  InstProgressFlags smooth
  InstProgressFlags smooth colored
  when XPStyle on ...
  ;add an install type to the install type list,or disables the custom install type.
  ;there can be as many as 32 types,each one specifying the name of the install type.
  ;如果前面有'.un'字首,則是解除安裝型別,名字中可以包含變數,which will be processed at runtime before the
  components page shows.another way of changing the InstType name during runtime is the InstTypeSetText
  command.the difference is that with InstTypeSetText you are saving your precious user variables,the first
  type is the default (generally 'Typical').If the /NOCUSTOM switch is specified,then the "custom" install
  type is disabled,and the user has to choose one of the pre-defined install types,Alternatively,if the 
  /CUSTOMSTRING switch is specified,the parameter will override the "custom" install type text,Alternatively
  if the /COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM flag is specified th ecomponent list will only be shown if the "Custom"
  install type is selected.
  24 LicenseBkColor color | /gray | /windows
  ;Sets the background color of the license data.Color is specified using the form RPGGBB
  25 LicenseData licdata.(txt|rtf)
  ;LicenseData lic.txt
  ;LicenseData lic.rtf
  use LicenseLangString to show a different license for every language
  26 LicenseForceSelection (checkbox [accept_text] |radiobuttons [accept_text] [decline_text]|off)
  ;Specifieds if the displayed license must be accept explicit or not.
  ;if off is specified the "next button " is enabled by default.
  27 LicenseText [text [button_text]]
  ; Used to change the default text on the license page.
  ;text: Text above the controls,to the right of the installation icon.
  ;button_text:text on the "I Agree" button.
  ;default string will be used if a string is empty("").
  28 MiscButtonText[back button text [next button text]] [cancel button text] [close button text]
  ;Replaces the default text strings for the four buttons(Back,Next,Cancel,Close)
  ;accept variables.
  29 Name name[name_coubled_ampersands]
  ;Name "MyAPP"                                    = "MyAPP"
  ;Name "Foo & Bar" "Foo && Bar"                     = "Foo & bar"
  30 OutFile [path\]install.exe
  ;Specifies the output file that the MakeNSIS should write the installer to .
  ;this is just the file that MakeNSIS writes,it doesn't affect the contents of the installer.
  31 RequestExecutionLevel none|user|highest|admin
  ;Specifies the requested execution level for windows Vista and wiindows 7
  32  SetFont [/LANG = lang_id] font_face_name font_size
  ;Set the installer font.
  ;SetFont /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "english font" 9
  33 ShowInstDetails hide|show|nevershow
  ;Sets whether or not the details of the uninstall are shown.default is hide
  note that sectins can override this using SetDetailsView
  34 ShowUninstDetails hide|show|nevershow
  ;Sets whether or not the details of the uninstall are shown. default is hide.
  note that sectins can override this using SetDetailsView
  35 SilentInstall normal|silent|silentlog
  Specifies whether or not the installer should be silent.If it is 'silent' or 'silentlog',all sections
  that have the SF_SELECTED flag are installed quietly(you can set tis flag using SectionSetFlags),with
  no screen output from the installer ifself
  36 SilentUnInstall normal |silent
  37 SpaceTexts [reg text [avail text]]
  if parameters are specified,overrides the space required and space available text("Space required:" and 
  "Space available:" by default). IF 'none' is specified as the required text no space texts will be shown.
  38 SubCaption [page_number subcaption]
  Overrides the subcaptions for each of the installer pages (0=":License Agreement",1=":Installation Options"...)
  you can also set a subcaption using Caption inside a PageEx block
  39 UninstallButtonText text
  Changes the text of the button that by default says "Unistall" in the uninstaller
  40 UninstallCaption caption
  sets what the titlebars of the uninstaller will display, default it is 'Name Uninstall'
  UninstallCaption "myapp Uninstall"
  41 UninstallIcon [path\]icon.ico
  sets the icon of the uninstaller
  42 UninstallSubCaption page_number subcaption
  set the default subcaptions for the uninstaller pages(0=":Confirmation",1=":Uninstalling Files",
  using Caption inside a PageEx block
  43 UninstallText text [subtext]
  Specifies the texts on the uninstaller confirm page.
  44 WindowIcon on|off
  Sets whether or not the installer's icon is being displayed
  45 XPStyle on|off
  Set whether or not an XP manifest will be added to the installer,
  this affects the uninstaller too.
  Compiler Flags
  the following commands affect how the compiler generates code and compresses data.Unless otherwise noted,
  these commands are valid anywhere in the script,and effect every line below where each one is placed until
  overridden by another command,they cannot be jumped over using flow control instruction
  46 AllowSkipFiles on|off
  ;on 時允許user skip file,off時,只有abort安裝
  this command specifies whether the user should be able to skip a file or not.
  a user has an option to skip a file if SetOverwrite is set to on,and the installer fails to open a file
  for writing when trying to extract a file. if off is used the ignore button which allows the user to skip
  the file will not show and the user will only have an option to abort the installation
  47 FileBufSize buffer_size_in_mb
  this command sets the size of the compiler's internal file buffers. This command allows you to control the
  compiler's memory usage by limiting how much of a given file it will load into memory at once.since the
  compiler needs both input and output,twice the memory size specified could be used at given time for file
  48 SetCompress auto|force|off
  this command sets the compress flag which is used by the installer to determine whether or not data should
  be compressed
  49 SetCompressor [/SOLID][/FINAL] zlib|bzip2|lzma
  this command sets the compression algorithm used to compress filese/data in the installer.
  ZLIB: (the default) it is a quick and simple method, 300kb memory uses
  BZIP2: gives better compression raios than ZLIB but a bit slower and uses more memory,4M memory uses
  LZMA: a new compression method that gives very good compression ratios,compression speed is lower but 
  decompression speed is high ,8M memory uses
  if /FINAL is used,subsequent calls to SetCompressor will be ignored.即後面的呼叫將被忽略
  if /SOLID is used,all of the installer data is compressed in one block,result in greater compression ratios
  50 SetCompressorDictSize dict_size_mb
  Sets the dictionary size in megabytes used by the LZMA compressor
  51 SetDatablockOptimize on|off
  this command tells the compiler whether or not to do datablock optimizations.Datablock optimizations have
  the compiler check
  52    SetDateSave on|off
  this command sets the file date/time saving flag which is used by the File command to determine whether or
  not to save the last write date and time of the file,so that it can be restored on installation.Valid flags
  are 'on' and 'off' ,'on' is default
  53 SetOverwrite on|off|try|ifnewer|ifdiff|lastused
  on 直接覆蓋(default)
  off 不覆蓋
  try 如果能覆蓋則覆蓋
  ifnewer 如果存在的檔案更舊
  ifdiff 不同,更新或更舊
  Version Information
  54 VIAddVersionKey [/LANG=lang_id] keyname_value
  add a field in the Version Tab of the File Properties,this can either be a field provided b the system
  or a user defined field.The following fields are provided by the System:
  VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "ProductName" "Test Application"
  VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "Comments" "A test comment"
  VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "CompanyName" "Fake company"
  VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "LegalTrademarks" "Test Application is a trademark of Fake company"
  VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "LegalCopyright" "? Fake company"
  VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "FileDescription" "Test Application"
  VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "FileVersion" "1.2.3"
  55 VIProductVersion [version-string_X.X.X.X]
  adds the Product Version on top of the Version Tab in the Properties of the file.
  VIProductVersion ""
  Basic Instructions
  1. Delete [/REBOOTOK] file
  /REBOOTOK 選項指定重啟後刪除
  找到檔案但無法刪除 error flag is set
  沒有找到檔案error flag is not set
  Delete $INSTDIR|test.dat
  2. Exec command
  執行指定的program,指定的程式必須存在 $OUTDIR is used for the working directory
  指定程式無法啟動時,error flag is set
  Exec '"$INSTDIR\text.exe"'
  Exec '"$INSTDIR\text.exe" some parameters'
  使用ShellExecute來執行一個程式,通常執行"open","print" 等
  $OUTDIR 是工作目錄
  error flag is set 如果無法啟動
  ExecShell "open" "http://nsis.sf.net"
  ExecShell "open" "$INSTDIR\readme.txt"
  4. ExecWait command[user_var(exit code)]
  if no ouput variable is specified
  如果該程式沒有返回值返回nonzero error code或執行出錯,error flag is set,
  if an ouput variable is specified
  該函式將用exit code 填充變數,
  ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\test.exe"'
  ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\text.exe"' $0
  ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\text.exe" some parameters'
  5 File 
  .output file name is $OUTDIR\filename_portion_of_file
  .use /oname = x switch to 改變output name.x可以包含變數,可以是相對或絕對路徑,若包含space 請加上""
  .if /r is used, 遞迴查詢子資料夾
  . /x is used to exclude files or directories.排除不需要的檔案或資料夾
  . /a is used,the attributes of the files added will be preserved. 
  . if /nonfatal is used and no files are found,a warning will be issued instead of an error
  File something.exe
  File /a someting.exe
  File *.exe
  File /r *.dat
  File /r data
  File /oname=temp.dat somefile.ext
  File /oname=$TEMP\temp.dat somefile.ext
  File "/oname=$TEMP\name with spaces.dat" somefile.ext
  File /nonfatal "a file that might not exist"
  File /r /x CVS myProject\*.*
  File /r /x *.res /x *.obj /x *.pch source\*.*
  注意 /r
  when using the /r switch,both mathing directories and files will be searched.this is always done with or without the use
  of wildcards,even if the given path perfectly matches one directory,
  6 Rename [/REBOOTOK] source_file dest_file
  Rename source_file to des_file
  if the current folder is not set using SetOutPath instruction the current folder is $EXEDIR
  Rename $INSTDIR\file.ext $INSTDIR\file.dat
  7 ReserveFile [/nonfatal] [/r] [/x file|wildcard [...]] file [file....]
  Reserves a file in the data block for later use,
  檔案是按他們在指令碼中出現的順序新增到data block中,而函式則不是按他們出現的順序被呼叫的
  如果你在一個函式中新增一個檔案,他會被早早的呼叫而你卻把它定義在指令碼的很後面,執行指令碼時,all of the files added earlier will
  have to be decompressed to get to the required file,
  8 RMDir [/r] [/REBOOTOK] directory_name
  沒有 /r時,只有資料夾為空時才會被移除,
  有/r 時,資料夾被遞迴移除
  /REBOOTOK 重啟後移除
  有error flag
  注意:當前資料夾不能被移除, the current working directory is set by SetOutPath
  SetOutPath $TEMP\dir
  RMDir $TEMP\dir
  The next example will succeed in deleting the directory.
  SetOutPath $TEMP\dir
  SetOutPath $TEMP
  RMDir $TEMP\dir
  使用RMDir/r $INSTDIR in the uninstaller is not safe though it is unlikely
  因為如果使用者指定 $INSTDIR 是 Program Files時,可能導致整個資料夾被刪除
  Solutions are available for easily uninstalling only files which were installed by the installer.
  9 SetOutPath outpath
  Sets the output path($OUTDIR) and creates it if it does not exist,must be a full pathname,usually is just $INSTDIR
  you can specify $INSTDIR if you are lazy with a single "-"
  Registry,INI,File Instructions
  10 DeleteINISec ini_filename section_name
  Deletes the entire section [section_name] from ini_filename.If the section could not be removed from te ini file,
  the error flag is set,it does not set the error flag if the section could not be found
  WriteINIStr $TEMP\something.ini section1 something 123
  WriteINIStr $TEMP\something.ini section1 somethingelse 1234
  WriteINIStr $TEMP\something.ini section2 nsis true
  DeleteINISec $TEMP\something.ini section1
  11 DeleteINIStr ini_filename section_name str_name
  WriteINIStr $TEMP\something.ini section1 something 123
  DeleteINIStr $TEMP\something.ini section1 something
  12 DeleteRegKey [/ifempty] root_key subkey
  Deletes a registry key
  if /ifempty is specified,the registry key will only be deleted if it has no subkeys
  root_key valid value:
  13 DeleteRegValue root_key subkey key_name
  Deletes a registry value.
  DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\My Company\My Software" "some value"
  14 EnumRegKey user_var(output) root_key subkey index
  Set user variable $x with the name of the 'index'th registry key in root_key\Subkey.
  Returns an empty string if there are no more keys
  15 EnumRegValue user_var(output) root_Key subkey index
  16 ExpandEnvStrings user_var(output) string
  Expands environment variables in string into the user variable $x,if an environment variable doesn't exist,it will not be
  replaced. For example,if you use "%var%" and var doesn't exists,the result will be "%var"
  ExpandEnvStrings $0 "WINDIR=%WINDIR%$\nTEMP=%TEMP%"
  17 FlushINI ini_filename
  Flushes the INI file's buffers
  causes the changes to be written to the disk immediately
  WriteINIStr $TEMP\something.ini test test test
  FlushINI $TEMP\something.ini
  18 ReadEnvStr user_var(output) name
  Reads from te environment string "name" and sets the value into the user variable $x
  ReadEnvStr $0 WINDIR
  ReadEnvStr $1 TEMP
  19 ReadINIStr user_var(output) ini_filename section_name entry_name