演算法分析課每週練習 The Skyline Problem
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-07
stackoverrflow 上有個關於這個問題的討論
class MaxHeap: def __init__(self, buildings): self.buildings = buildings self.size = 0 self.heap = [None] * (2 * len(buildings) + 1) self.lineMap = dict() def maxLine(self): return self.heap[1] def insert(self, lineId): self.size += 1 self.heap[self.size] = lineId self.lineMap[lineId] = self.size self.siftUp(self.size) def delete(self, lineId): heapIdx = self.lineMap[lineId] self.heap[heapIdx] = self.heap[self.size] self.lineMap[self.heap[self.size]] = heapIdx self.heap[self.size] = None del self.lineMap[lineId] self.size -= 1 self.siftDown(heapIdx) def siftUp(self, idx): while idx > 1 and self.cmp(idx / 2, idx) < 0: self.swap(idx / 2, idx) idx /= 2 def siftDown(self, idx): while idx * 2 <= self.size: nidx = idx * 2 if idx * 2 + 1 <= self.size and self.cmp(idx * 2 + 1, idx * 2) > 0: nidx = idx * 2 + 1 if self.cmp(nidx, idx) > 0: self.swap(nidx, idx) idx = nidx else: break def swap(self, a, b): la, lb = self.heap[a], self.heap[b] self.lineMap[la], self.lineMap[lb] = self.lineMap[lb], self.lineMap[la] self.heap[a], self.heap[b] = lb, la def cmp(self, a, b): return self.buildings[self.heap[a]][2] - self.buildings[self.heap[b]][2] class Solution: def getSkyline(self, buildings): size = len(buildings) points = sorted([(buildings[x][0], x, 's') for x in range(size)] + [(buildings[x][1], x, 'e') for x in range(size)]) maxHeap = MaxHeap(buildings) ans = [] for p in points: if p[2] == 's': maxHeap.insert(p[1]) else: maxHeap.delete(p[1]) maxLine = maxHeap.maxLine() height = buildings[maxLine][2] if maxLine is not None else 0 if len(ans) == 0 or ans[-1][0] != p[0]: ans.append([p[0], height]) elif p[2] == 's': ans[-1][1] = max(ans[-1][1], height) else: ans[-1][1] = min(ans[-1][1], height) if len(ans) > 1 and ans[-1][1] == ans[-2][1]: ans.pop() return ans