1. 程式人生 > >非最大抑制(NMS)


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function pick = nms(boxes, overlap)
% pick = nms(boxes,overlap)
% Non-maximumsuppression.
% Greedily selecthigh-scoring detections and skip detections
% that are significantlycovered by a previously selected detection.
% boxes = boxes';
if isempty(boxes)
    pick = [];
    x1 = boxes(:,1);
    y1 = boxes(:,2);
    x2 = boxes(:,3);
    y2 = boxes(:,4);
%     x1 = boxes(:,1);
%     y1 = boxes(:,2);
%     x2 = boxes(:,2);
%     y2 = boxes(:,4);
    s = boxes(:,end);
    area = (x2-x1+1) .* (y2-y1+1);%Çó³öËùÓÐÃæ»ý
    [vals, I] = sort(s);
    pick = [];
    while ~isempty(I)
        last = length(I);
        i = I(last);
        pick = [pick; i];
        suppress = [last];
        for pos = 1:last-1
            j = I(pos);
            xx1 = max(x1(i), x1(j));
            yy1 = max(y1(i), y1(j));
            xx2 = min(x2(i), x2(j));
            yy2 = min(y2(i), y2(j));
            w = xx2-xx1+1;
            h = yy2-yy1+1;
            if w > 0 && h > 0
                % compute overlap
                o = w * h / min(area(i),area(j));
%                 o = w/area(j);
                if o > overlap
                    suppress = [suppress; pos];
        I(suppress) = [];

 輸入的視窗的位置和分數,以及視窗面積交叉是多大比例進行抑制。boxes應當是N*5的矩陣,一行代表著一個視窗,包括[x,y,width,height ,score ],overlap是介於0~1的實數。輸出的是區域性分數最大的視窗序號序列。


            xx1 = max(x1(i), x1(j));
            yy1 = max(y1(i), y1(j));
            xx2 = min(x2(i), x2(j));
            yy2 = min(y2(i), y2(j));
            w = xx2-xx1+1;
            h = yy2-yy1+1;
            if w > 0 && h > 0
                % compute overlap
                o = w * h / min(area(i),area(j));  
                 if o > overlap
                    suppress = [suppress; pos];



# import the necessary packages
import numpy as np
# Malisiewicz et al.
def non_max_suppression_fast(boxes, overlapThresh):
	# if there are no boxes, return an empty list
	if len(boxes) == 0:
		return []
	# if the bounding boxes integers, convert them to floats --
	# this is important since we'll be doing a bunch of divisions
	if boxes.dtype.kind == "i":
		boxes = boxes.astype("float")
	# initialize the list of picked indexes	
	pick = []
	# grab the coordinates of the bounding boxes
	x1 = boxes[:,0]
	y1 = boxes[:,1]
	x2 = boxes[:,2]
	y2 = boxes[:,3]
	# compute the area of the bounding boxes and sort the bounding
	# boxes by the bottom-right y-coordinate of the bounding box
	area = (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1)
	idxs = np.argsort(y2)
	# keep looping while some indexes still remain in the indexes
	# list
	while len(idxs) > 0:
		# grab the last index in the indexes list and add the
		# index value to the list of picked indexes
		last = len(idxs) - 1
		i = idxs[last]
		# find the largest (x, y) coordinates for the start of
		# the bounding box and the smallest (x, y) coordinates
		# for the end of the bounding box
		xx1 = np.maximum(x1[i], x1[idxs[:last]])
		yy1 = np.maximum(y1[i], y1[idxs[:last]])
		xx2 = np.minimum(x2[i], x2[idxs[:last]])
		yy2 = np.minimum(y2[i], y2[idxs[:last]])
		# compute the width and height of the bounding box
		w = np.maximum(0, xx2 - xx1 + 1)
		h = np.maximum(0, yy2 - yy1 + 1)
		# compute the ratio of overlap
		overlap = (w * h) / area[idxs[:last]]
		# delete all indexes from the index list that have
		idxs = np.delete(idxs, np.concatenate(([last],
			np.where(overlap > overlapThresh)[0])))
	# return only the bounding boxes that were picked using the
	# integer data type
	return boxes[pick].astype("int")