阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-08
寫好程式碼後,根據自己的需要呼叫相應的方法就行了。需要注意的是:檔案路徑中最好不好出現空格,出現空格可能jacob程式訪問不到資源報錯。public class JacobUtil { public static final String DOC = "doc"; public static final String DOCX = "docx"; public static final String PDF = "pdf"; public static final String XLS = "xls"; public static final String XLSX = "xlsx"; public static final String MP4 = "mp4"; public static final String PPT = "ppt"; public static final String PPTX = "pptx"; // 8 代表word儲存成html public static final int WORD2HTML = 8; // 17代表word儲存成pdf public static final int WD2PDF = 17; public static final int PPT2PDF = 32; public static final int XLS2PDF = 0; public static void main(String[] args) { String pptfile = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/ceshi.pptx"; String pdffile = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/數字類比電路.pdf"; ppt2pdf(pptfile,pdffile); pdf2Image(pdffile); } /** * @author shenjianhu: * @version 建立時間:2017年4月8日 下午9:07:33 * @param resourceType 資源型別 * @param path 資源路徑 * @return * TODO 檔案轉換 */ public static Integer formatConvert(String resourceType, String resourcePath) { Integer pages = 0; String resource = resourcePath.substring(0, resourcePath.lastIndexOf(".")); if(resourceType.equalsIgnoreCase(DOC)||resourceType.equalsIgnoreCase(DOCX)){ //word轉成pdf和圖片 word2pdf(resourcePath, resource+".pdf"); pages = pdf2Image(resource+".pdf"); }else if(resourceType.equalsIgnoreCase(PDF)){ //pdf轉成圖片 pages = pdf2Image(resourcePath); }else if(resourceType.equalsIgnoreCase(XLS)||resourceType.equalsIgnoreCase(XLSX)){ //excel檔案轉成圖片 excel2pdf(resourcePath, resource+".pdf"); pages = pdf2Image(resource+".pdf"); }else if(resourceType.equalsIgnoreCase(PPT)||resourceType.equalsIgnoreCase(PPTX)){ //ppt2pdf(resourcePath, resource+".pdf"); //pages = pdf2Image(resource+".pdf"); pages = ppt2Image(resourcePath, resource+".jpg"); }else if(resourceType.equalsIgnoreCase(MP4)){ //視訊檔案不轉換 pages = 0; } return pages; } /** * @author shenjianhu: * @version 建立時間:2017年4月18日 下午3:08:11 * @param pptfile * @param imgfile * TODO ppt轉換成圖片 */ public static Integer ppt2Image(String pptfile,String imgfile){ String imageDir = pptfile.substring(0, pptfile.lastIndexOf(".")); File dir = new File(imageDir); if(!dir.exists()){ dir.mkdirs(); } int length = 0; ActiveXComponent app = null; try{ ComThread.InitSTA(); app = new ActiveXComponent("PowerPoint.Application"); System.out.println("準備開啟ppt文件"); app.setProperty("Visible", true); Dispatch ppts = app.getProperty("Presentations").toDispatch(); Dispatch ppt =, "Open", pptfile, true, true, true).toDispatch(); System.out.println("-----------------ppt開始轉換圖片---------------");, "SaveCopyAs", imgfile, 17); System.out.println("-----------------ppt轉換圖片結束---------------");, "Close"); System.out.println("關閉ppt文件"); }catch(Exception e){ ComThread.Release(); e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ String files[]; files = dir.list(); length = files.length; System.out.println(length); app.invoke("Quit"); ComThread.Release(); } return length; } /** * WORD轉HTML * @param docfile WORD檔案全路�? * @param htmlfile 轉換後HTML存放路徑 */ public static void wordToHtml(String docfile, String htmlfile) { // 啟動word應用程式(Microsoft Office Word 2003) ActiveXComponent app = null; System.out.println("*****正在轉換...*****"); try { ComThread.InitSTA(); app = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application"); // 設定word應用程式不可�? app.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false)); // documents表示word程式的所有文件視窗,(word是多文件應用程式�? Dispatch docs = app.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch(); // 開啟要轉換的word檔案 Dispatch doc = Dispatch.invoke( docs, "Open", Dispatch.Method, new Object[] { docfile, new Variant(false), new Variant(true) }, new int[1]).toDispatch(); // 作為html格式儲存到臨時文�? Dispatch.invoke(doc, "SaveAs", Dispatch.Method, new Object[] { htmlfile, new Variant(WORD2HTML) }, new int[1]); // 關閉word檔案, "Close", new Variant(false)); } catch (Exception e) { ComThread.Release(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { //關閉word應用程式 app.invoke("Quit", new Variant[] {}); ComThread.Release(); } System.out.println("*****轉換完畢********"); } public static void word2pdf(String docfile, String pdffile) { // 啟動word應用程式(Microsoft Office Word 2003) ActiveXComponent app = null; try{ ComThread.InitSTA(); app = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application"); app.setProperty("Visible", false); System.out.println("*****正在轉換...*****"); // 設定word應用程式不可見 // app.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false)); // documents表示word程式的所有文件視窗,(word是多文件應用程式�? Dispatch docs = app.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch(); // 開啟要轉換的word檔案 /* Dispatch doc = Dispatch.invoke( docs, "Open", Dispatch.Method, new Object[] { docfile, new Variant(false), new Variant(true) }, new int[1]).toDispatch(); */ Dispatch doc = docs, "Open", docfile, false, true).toDispatch(); // 呼叫Document物件的saveAs方法,將文件儲存為pdf格式 /*Dispatch.invoke(doc, "ExportAsFixedFormat", Dispatch.Method, new Object[] { pdffile, new Variant(wdFormatPDF) }, new int[1]);*/, "ExportAsFixedFormat", pdffile, WD2PDF); // 關閉word檔案, "Close", false); } catch (Exception e) { ComThread.Release(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { //關閉word應用程式 app.invoke("Quit", 0); ComThread.Release(); } System.out.println("*****轉換完畢********"); } /** * @author shenjianhu: * @version 建立時間:2016年11月16日 下午8:21:29 * @param pdffile * TODO pdf檔案按頁轉成圖片 */ public static int pdf2Image(String pdffile){ File file = new File(pdffile); int pages = 0; try { ComThread.InitSTA(); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); FileChannel channel = raf.getChannel(); java.nio.ByteBuffer buf =, 0, channel.size()); PDFFile pdf = new PDFFile(buf); pages = pdf.getNumPages(); System.out.println("頁數:"+pdf.getNumPages()); File direct = new File(pdffile.substring(0, pdffile.lastIndexOf("."))); if(!direct.exists()){ direct.mkdir(); } for(int i=1;i<=pdf.getNumPages();i++){ PDFPage page = pdf.getPage(i); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(page.getBBox().getWidth()), (int)(page.getBBox().getHeight())); int width = (int) (rect.getWidth()*2); int height = (int) (rect.getHeight()*2); Image image = page.getImage(width, height, rect, null, true, true); BufferedImage tag = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); tag.getGraphics().drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height, null); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(direct+"/幻燈片"+i+".JPG"); JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out); JPEGEncodeParam param = encoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam(tag); param.setQuality(1f, false); encoder.setJPEGEncodeParam(param); encoder.encode(tag); out.close(); System.out.println("image in the page -->"+i); } buf.clear(); channel.close(); raf.close(); unmap(buf); } catch (Exception e) { ComThread.Release(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally{ ComThread.Release(); } return pages; } /** * @author shenjianhu: * @version 建立時間:2016年12月19日 上午11:25:22 * @param buffer * TODO pdf轉成圖片時解除對映,以便後面刪除檔案時能夠刪除pdf檔案 */ public static <T> void unmap(final Object buffer){ AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<T>() { @Override public T run() { try{ Method getCleanerMethod = buffer.getClass().getMethod("cleaner", new Class[0]); getCleanerMethod.setAccessible(true); Cleaner cleaner = (Cleaner) getCleanerMethod.invoke(buffer, new Object[0]); cleaner.clean(); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }); } public static void ppt2pdf(String pptfile,String pdffile){ Log.debug("開啟ppt應用"); ActiveXComponent app = null; Log.debug("設定可見性"); //app.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false)); Log.debug("開啟ppt檔案"); try { ComThread.InitSTA(); app = new ActiveXComponent("PowerPoint.Application"); Dispatch files = app.getProperty("Presentations").toDispatch(); Dispatch file =, "open", pptfile, false, true).toDispatch(); Log.debug("儲存為圖片");, "SaveAs", pdffile, PPT2PDF); Log.debug("關閉文件");,"Close"); } catch (Exception e) { ComThread.Release(); e.printStackTrace(); Log.error("ppt to images error",e); //throw e; }finally{ Log.debug("關閉應用"); app.invoke("Quit"); ComThread.Release(); } } public static void excel2pdf(String excelfile,String pdffile){ ActiveXComponent app = null; try{ ComThread.InitSTA(true); app = new ActiveXComponent("Excel.Application"); app.setProperty("Visible", false); app.setProperty("AutomationSecurity", new Variant(3));//禁用巨集 Dispatch excels = app.getProperty("Workbooks").toDispatch(); /*Dispatch excel = Dispatch.invoke(excels, "Open", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{ excelfile, new Variant(false), new Variant(false), },new int[9]).toDispatch();*/ Dispatch excel =, "Open", excelfile,false,true).toDispatch(); //轉換格式ExportAsFixedFormat /*Dispatch.invoke(excel, "ExportAsFixedFormat", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{ new Variant(0),//pdf格式=0 pdffile, new Variant(0)//0=標準(生成的pdf圖片不會變模糊) 1=最小檔案(生成的pdf圖片模糊的一塌糊塗) }, new int[1]);*/, "ExportAsFixedFormat",XLS2PDF, pdffile);, "Close", false); if(app!=null){ app.invoke("Quit"); app=null; } }catch(Exception e){ ComThread.Release(); e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ ComThread.Release(); } } public static void ppt2html(String pptfile,String htmlfile){ ActiveXComponent app = null; try{ ComThread.InitSTA(true); app = new ActiveXComponent("PowerPoint.Application"); //app.setProperty("Visible", false); app.setProperty("AutomationSecurity", new Variant(3));//禁用巨集 Dispatch dispatch = app.getProperty("Presentations").toDispatch(); Dispatch dispatch1 =, "Open", pptfile,false,true).toDispatch();, "SaveAs", htmlfile,new Variant(12));, "Close", false); if(app!=null){ app.invoke("Quit"); app=null; } }catch(Exception e){ ComThread.Release(); e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ ComThread.Release(); } } }