1. 程式人生 > >leetcode 140. Word Break II 深度優先搜尋DFS + 很棒的動態規劃DP 做法 + 記錄前驅節點

leetcode 140. Word Break II 深度優先搜尋DFS + 很棒的動態規劃DP 做法 + 記錄前驅節點

Given a non-empty string s and a dictionary wordDict containing a list of non-empty words, add spaces in s to construct a sentence where each word is a valid dictionary word. You may assume the dictionary does not contain duplicate words.

Return all such possible sentences.

For example, given
s = “catsanddog”,
dict = [“cat”, “cats”, “and”, “sand”, “dog”].

A solution is [“cats and dog”, “cat sand dog”].

UPDATE (2017/1/4):
The wordDict parameter had been changed to a list of strings (instead of a set of strings). Please reload the code definition to get the latest changes.





import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

 * 還是使用DP解決, 
 * */
public class Solution 
     List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();

      * 下面是DFS做法,會發現超算
      * */
     public List<String> wordBreakByDFS(String s, List<String
> wordDict) { List<String> one = new ArrayList<>(); byDFS(s, wordDict, one, 0); return res; } void byDFS(String s, List<String> wordDict,List<String> one, int index) { if(index>=s.length()) { String tmp=""; for(int i=0;i<one.size()-1;i++) tmp=tmp+one.get(i)+" "; tmp+=one.get(one.size()-1); res.add(tmp); } else { for(int i=index+1;i<=s.length();i++) { String key=s.substring(index, i); if(wordDict.contains(key)) { one.add(key); byDFS(s, wordDict,one, i); one.remove(one.size()-1); } } } } /* * 這個是DP解決方法 * */ public List<String> wordBreak(String s, List<String> wordDict) { boolean []flag = new boolean[s.length()+1]; flag[0]=true; List<List<Integer>> preIndex = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i=0;i<s.length()+1;i++) preIndex.add( new ArrayList<>() ); preIndex.get(0).add(0); for(int i=1;i<s.length()+1;i++) { for(int j=0;j<i;j++) { if(flag[j] && wordDict.contains(s.substring(j, i))) { flag[i] = true; preIndex.get(i).add(j); } } } if(flag[s.length()]) { List<String> one = new ArrayList<>(); DFS(preIndex,one,s,wordDict,s.length()); } return res; } void DFS(List<List<Integer>> preIndex, List<String> one,String s, List<String> wordDict, int length) { if(length == 0) { String str = ""; for(int i=one.size()-1;i>=1;i--) str = str + one.get(i)+" "; str = str + one.get(0); res.add(str); }else { List<Integer> index = preIndex.get(length); for(int i=0;i<index.size();i++) { one.add(s.substring(index.get(i),length)); DFS(preIndex, one, s, wordDict, index.get(i)); one.remove(one.size()-1); } } } }




#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <climits>

using namespace std;

class Solution 
    vector<string> res;
    vector<string> wordBreak(string s, vector<string>& wordDict)
        set<string> st(wordDict.begin(),wordDict.end());
        vector<bool> dp(s.length()+1,false);
        dp[0] = true;
        vector<vector<int>> preIndex(s.length()+1,vector<int>());
        for (int i = 1; i <= s.length(); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                if ( dp[j] && st.find(s.substr(j, (i - 1)-j+1)) != st.end())
                    dp[i] = true;
        if (dp[s.length()])

            getAll(s, preIndex, vector<string>(), s.length());
        return res;

    void getAll(string s, vector<vector<int>> preIndex,vector<string> one,int index)
        if (index == 0)
            string a = "";
            for (int i = one.size() - 1; i >= 1; i--)
                a += one[i] + " ";
            a += one[0];
            for (int pre : preIndex[index])