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Python Learning Summary

Python methods and module

1.String methods

  • strip()  


The method strip() returns a copy of the string in which all chars have been stripped from the beginning and the end of the string (default whitespace characters).


print str.strip('0')

Result :


2. re module

  • re.search


return a corresponding match object, return None if not match pattern, group(0) return full match, group(1) return first match, group(2) return second match


import re
m = re.search('(1).*','123')
print m.group(0)
print m.group(1)




  • re.sub 


Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmost non-overlapping occurrences of pattern in string by the replacement repl. If the pattern isn’t found, string

 is returned unchanged. repl can be a string or a function; if it is a string, any backslash escapes in it are processed. That is, \n is converted to a single newline character, \r is converted to a carriage return, and so forth. Unknown escapes such as \j are left alone. Backreferences, such as \6, are replaced with the substring matched by group 6 in the pattern. For example:

import re
print re.sub('\d','a','123')




  •  re.findall



Return all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string, as a list of strings. The string is scanned left-to-right, and matches are returned in the order found. If one or more groups are present in the pattern, return a list of groups; this will be a list of tuples if the pattern has more than one group. Empty matches are included in the result. For example:

import re
print re.findall('12','12111222')
print re.findall('(1)(2)','12111222')


['12', '12']
[('1', '2'), ('1', '2')]