1. 程式人生 > >Python Learning: 02

Python Learning: 02

lec abs mov describe ram som between int values

  OK, let‘s continue.

  • Conditional Judgments and Loop
    • if
    • if-else
    • if-elif-else
    • while
    • for
    • break
    • continue
    • multiple loop

  • Differences between Dict and Set
    • Dict: A kind of structure in the type of "Key-Value"
      • described in "{}"
      • formed by "key: value"
      • function "len()" to calculate the length
      • judge empty:① if ‘key‘ in dict ②dict.get(‘key‘) ->if empty, return None automatically
      • the key in dict is unchangeable
    • Set: A kind of struture in the type of Non-repeating elements collection
      • described in "set([,,,,])"
      • add() to add elements
      • remove() to delete elements
  • Functions
    • where to searching functions:
    • some common functions: abs(), cmp(), int(), str(), sum()
    • the Return Value of Functions

        A function can return single value, as well as return more value. But in essence it returns one, a tuple. The function treats the values as a tuple.

1 >>> r = move(100, 100, 60, math.pi / 6)
2 >>> print r
3 (151.96152422706632, 70.0)
    • recursive functions:  take care of overflowing
    • default parameter: set default parameter in the function line in the blankets, and the default parameter must be set at the right side
    • variable parameter: use ‘*‘ to mark variable parameter , and they are regarded as a tuple

Python Learning: 02