imresize matlab
Resize 3-D volumetric intensity image
collapse all in pageSyntax
B = imresize3(V,scale)
B = imresize3(V,[numrows numcols numplanes])
B = imresize3(___,method)
B = imresize3(___,Name,Value)
returns the volume B
= imresize3(V
that is scale
times the size of V
. The input volume V
must be a 3-D volumetric intensity image (called a volume). By default, imresize3
uses cubic interpolation.
returns the volume B
= imresize3(V
,[numrows numcols numplanes]
that has the number of rows, columns, and planes specified by the three-element vector [numrows numcols numplanes]
returns the volume B
= imresize3(___,method
specifies the interpolation method used.
returns a resized volume where B
= imresize3(___,Name,Value
pairs control aspects of the operation.
Resize 3-D Volumetric Image
Try This Example
Read MRI volume into the workspace.
s = load('mri');
mriVolumeOriginal = squeeze(s.D);
sizeO = size(mriVolumeOriginal);
Visualize the volume.
figure; slice(double(mriVolumeOriginal),sizeO(2)/2,sizeO(1)/2,sizeO(3)/2); shading interp, colormap gray; title('Original');
Resize the volume, reducing the size all all dimensions by one-half. This example uses the default interpolation method and antialiasing.
mriVolumeResized = imresize3(mriVolumeOriginal, 0.5); sizeR = size(mriVolumeResized);
Visualize the resized volume.
figure; slice(double(mriVolumeResized),sizeR(2)/2,sizeR(1)/2,sizeR(3)/2); shading interp, colormap gray; title('Resized');