1. 程式人生 > >MySQL資料庫簡單練習題



create table student(

id int(10) primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(20) unique,
age int(5) default 16,
sex char(2) not null

show databases;
create database libry;
use libry;
show tables;
create table books(
b_id int(11) primary key,
b_name varchar(50),
Authers varchar(100),
Price Float,
pubdate Year,
Note varchar(100),
Num int(11)
desc libry;
insert into books(b_id,b_name,Authers,Price,pubdate,Note,Num) values(1,'Tal of AAA','Dickes',23,1995,'novel',11);
insert into books(b_id,b_name,Authers,Price,pubdate,Note,Num) values(2,'EmmaT','Jane lura',35,1993,'Joke',22);
insert into books(b_id,b_name,Authers,Price,pubdate,Note,Num) values(3,'Story of Jane','Jane Tim',40,2001,'novel',0);
insert into books(b_id,b_name,Authers,Price,pubdate,Note,Num) values(4,'Lovey Day','George Byron',20,2005,'novel',30);
insert into books(b_id,b_name,Authers,Price,pubdate,Note,Num) values(5,'Old land','Honore Blade',30,2010,'Law',0);
insert into books(b_id,b_name,Authers,Price,pubdate,Note,Num) values(6,'The Battle','Upton Sara',30,1999,'medicine',40);
insert into books(b_id,b_name,Authers,Price,pubdate,Note,Num) values(7,'Rose Hood','Richard haggard',28,2008,'cartoon',28);
select * from books where Note='novel'like update books set Price+5;

create table books(
b_id int(11) primary key,
b_name varchar(50),
Authers varchar(100),
Price Float,
pubdate Year,
Note varchar(100) not null,
Num int(11)

show databases;
create database employee;
use employee;
show tables;
create table einfo(
id int(11) not null primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(50) not null,
sex char(2) default '女',
tel varchar(50),
addr varchar(100),
salary Float
insert into einfo(id,name,sex,tel,addr,salary) values(10001,'張一一','男','13456789000','廣東韶關',1001.58);
insert into einfo values(10002,'劉小紅','女','13454319000','廣東江門',1201.21);
insert into einfo values(10003,'李四','男','0751-1234567','廣東佛山',1004.11),(10004,'劉強','男','0755-5555555','廣東深圳',1501.23),(10005,'王豔','女','020-1232133','廣東廣州',1405.16);

create table customers(
c_num int(11) primary key not null unique auto_increment,
c_name varchar(50),
c_contact varchar(50),
c_city varchar(50),
c_birth datetime not null

alter table customers modify c_contact varchar(50) after c_birth;
alter table customers change c_name c_name varchar(70);
alter table customers change c_contact c_phone varchar(50);
alter table customers add c_gender char(1) not null;
alter table customers rename customers_info;

alter table customers_info drop c_city;

show databases;
create database wangchuanlu;
use wangchuanlu;
show tables;

create table department(
depid int(10) primary key,
depname varchar(20),
depinfo varchar(100)

create table employee(
empid int(10) primary key,
name varchar(5),
sex char(2),
title varchar(20),
birthday date,
depid int(10)  

create table salary(
empid int(10) primary key,
basesalary  Float,
titlesalary Float,
deduction Float

insert into department(depid,depname) values(111,'生產部');
insert into department(depid,depname) values(222,'銷售部');
insert into department(depid,depname) values(333,'人事部');

insert into employee(empid,name,sex,title,birthday,depid) values(1001,'張三','男','高階程師','1975-01-01',111);
insert into employee(empid,name,sex,title,birthday,depid) values(1002,'李四','女','助工','1985-01-01',111),(1003,'王五','男','工程師','1978-11-11',222),(1004,'趙六','男','工程師','1979-01-01',222);

insert into salary(empid,basesalary,titlesalary,deduction) values(1001,2200,1100,200),(1002,1200,200,100),(1003,1900,700,200),(1004,1950,700,150);

alter table department change depinfo deincl varchar(100);
alter table department add deincl varchar(100);
alter table employee add constraint foreign key(depid) references department(depid);
update salary set basesalary=1700,titlesalary=600 where empid=(select empid from employee where name='李四');
delete from department where depname='人事部';
select empid,basesalary+titlesalary-deduction as 實發工資,basesalary+titlesalary as 應發工資 from salary;
select * from employee where name like '張%' and (year(curdate())-year(birthday))<40;

select e.name,s.basesalary from employee e,salary s where depid=(select depid from department where depname='銷售部') and e.empid=s.empid;

select count(title) as '人數',title as '職稱' from employee group by title;

create table cus(
顧客編號 varchar(10) primary key,
顧客名 varchar(20),
地址 varchar(50),
餘額 Float

insert into cus(顧客編號,顧客名,地址,餘額) values('001','Zhang','Usa',5000);
insert into cus(顧客編號,顧客名,地址,餘額) values('002','Liu','China',10000),('003','Liu','Frech',50000),('004','Wen','Jap',250000);
alter table cus change 商品編號 商品編號 varchar(10);

create table pro(
供應廠家編號 int(10) primary key,
供應廠家名稱 varchar(20),
商品編號  int(10),
商品價格 Float

insert into pro(供應廠家編號,供應廠家名稱,商品編號,商品價格) values(1001,'Oracle',100023,1500),(1002,'Ibm',100024,3000),(1003,'Baidu',100025,2900),(1004,'Google',100026,5000);

create table goods(
商品編號  int(10) primary key,
商品名稱 varchar(20),
商品數量 int(10)

insert into goods(商品編號,商品名稱,商品數量) values(100023,'Nokia',5),(100024,'Htc',7),(100025,'Mi',10),(100026,'Asus',3);

create table ord(
商品編號  int(10) primary key,
顧客編號 varchar(10),
訂單日期 date
insert into ord(商品編號,顧客編號,訂單日期) values(100023,'001','1998-2-1'),(100024,'002','1999-3-12'),(100025,'003','2000-10-21'),(100026,'004','2000-11-02');

select 供應廠家名稱 from pro;
select 顧客編號,顧客姓名,餘額 from cus where 地址='Usa'; 

insert into teacher(tno,tname) values(1, '張老師');
insert into teacher(tno,tname) values(2, '王老師');
insert into teacher(tno,tname) values(3, '李老師');
insert into teacher(tno,tname) values(4, '趙老師');
insert into teacher(tno,tname) values(5, '劉老師');
insert into teacher(tno,tname) values(6, '向老師');
insert into teacher(tno,tname) values(7, '李文靜');
insert into teacher(tno,tname) values(8, '葉平');

insert into student(sno,sname,sage,ssex) values(1, '張三', '1980-01-23', '男');
insert into student(sno,sname,sage,ssex) values(2, '李四', '1982-12-12', '男');
insert into student(sno,sname,sage,ssex) values(3, '張颯', '1981-09-09', '男');
insert into student(sno,sname,sage,ssex) values(4, '莉莉', '1983-03-23', '女');
insert into student(sno,sname,sage,ssex) values(5, '王弼', '1982-06-21', '男');
insert into student(sno,sname,sage,ssex) values(6, '王麗', '1984-10-10', '女');
insert into student(sno,sname,sage,ssex) values(7, '劉香', '1980-12-22', '女');

insert into course(cno,cname,tno) values(1, '企業管理', 3);
insert into course(cno,cname,tno) values(2, '馬克思', 1);
insert into course(cno,cname,tno) values(3, 'UML', 2);
insert into course(cno,cname,tno) values(4, '資料庫', 5);
insert into course(cno,cname,tno) values(5, '物理', 8);

insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(1, 1, 80);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(1, 2, 86);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(1, 3, 83);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(1, 4, 89);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(2, 1, 50);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(2, 2, 36);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(2, 4, 59);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(3, 1, 50);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(3, 2, 96);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(3, 4, 69);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(4, 1, 90);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(4, 2, 36);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(4, 3, 88);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(5, 1, 90);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(5, 2, 96);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(5, 3, 98);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(5, 4, 99);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(6, 1, 70);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(6, 2, 66);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(6, 3, 58);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(6, 4, 79);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(7, 1, 80);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(7, 2, 76);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(7, 3, 68);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(7, 4, 59);
insert into sc(sno,cno,score) values(7, 5, 89);

#1.查詢課程1的成績 比 課程2的成績高 的所有學生的學號.
select a.sno from (select sno,score from sc where cno = 1) a,(select sno,score from sc where cno = 2) b
where a.sno = b.sno and a.score>b.score;

select sno,avg(score) from sc group by sno  having avg(score)>60

select s.sno,s.sname,count(sc.cno),sum(sc.score) from student s,sc  where s.sno = sc.sno
group by s.sno

select count(1) from teacher where tname like '李%'

select sno,sname from student where sno not in  
(select sc.sno from teacher t,sc,course c where t.tno = c.tno  and c.cno = sc.cno and  t.tname = '葉平');

select sno,sname from student where sno in  
(select sc.sno from teacher t,sc,course c where t.tno = c.tno  and c.cno = sc.cno and  t.tname = '葉平');

select sno,sname from student where sno in(select sno from sc where cno = 1)  and sno in (select sno from sc where cno =2)

#8.1查詢所有課程成績小於60分的同學的學號、姓名  1
select sno,sname from student where sno  in (select sno from sc where score<60)

#8.2查詢所有課程成績小於60分的同學的學號、姓名  2
select sno,sname from student where sno  in(
select sno from sc where score <60  group by sno  having count(1)>2)

#select s.sno,s.sname,count(sc.cno) from student s,sc where s.sno = sc.sno  group by sno

select s.sno,s.sname from student s,sc where s.sno = sc.sno  group by sno having count(sc.cno) <(select count(1) from course)

#10.查詢至少有一門課程 與 學號為1的同學所學課程 相同的同學的學號和姓名
select distinct s.sno,s.sname from student s,sc where s.sno = sc.sno  and s.sno !=1  and sc.cno in (select cno from sc where sno = 1)

select cno,max(score),min(score) from sc group by cno

#12.查詢不同老師所教不同課程平均分, 從高到低顯示

#select avg(sc.score),t.tname from teacher t,sc,course c where t.tno = c.tno and c.cno = sc.cno

select avg(sc.score),t.tname from teacher t,sc,course c where t.tno = c.tno and c.cno = sc.cno  group by t.tno  order by avg(sc.score) desc


#select avg(score) from sc group by cno

select avg(score) from sc group by cno  order by avg(score) ,cno desc



select * from student,sc where student.sno=sc.sno;
select student.sno,course.cno,sc.grade from student,sc,course where grade between 70 and 80;
#select cname,cno from course;
select sdept,count(sno) from student group by sdept;
select sc.sno,sum(grade) from sc group by sno having sum(grade)>200;
update sc set grade=grade+10 where cno='c01';
select s.sname,s.sdept from student s,sc where sc.sno=s.sno and cno='c02';

delete from sc where grade<50 or grade=null;

select * from user where name='李%';
select u.id,u.name,l.info,l.createdate from user u,log l where u.id=l.uid and name='李四';

select info from log;
select u.name from log l,user u where u.id=l.uid group by uid having count(uid)>2;
select info from log limit 1,2;

select u.name,l.info from user u,log l where u.id=l.id and dept='測試部';


create database Market;
create table customers(
c_num int(11) primary key  auto_increment,
c_name varchar(50) not null,
c_contact varchar(50) not null,
c_city varchar(50) not null,
c_birth datetime 

alter table customers modify c_contact varchar(50) after c_birth;
alter table customers change c_name c_name varchar(70);
alter table customers change c_contact c_phone varchar(50);
alter table customers add c_gender char(1);
alter table customers rename customers_info;
alter table customers_info drop c_city;
create database company;
create table office(
officeCode int primary key unique not null,
City varchar(30) not null,
address varchar(50),
country varchar(50) not null,
postalCode varchar(25) unique
create table employees(
empNum int(11) primary key not null unique auto_increment,
lastName varchar(50) not null,
firstName varchar(50) not null,
mobile varchar(25),
Code int not null ,
jobTutle varchar(50) not null,
birth Datetime not null,
Note varchar(255),
Sex varchar(5)
alter table employees modify mobile varchar(25) after Code;
alter table employees change birth employee_birth Datetime;
alter table employees change sex sex varchar(5) not null;
alter table employees drop Note;
alter table employees add favoriate_activity varchar(100);
alter table employees rename employees_info;


create table department(
depid int(10) primary key,
depname varchar(10)

create table emoloyee(
empid int(10) primary key,
name varchar(10),
sex varchar(10),
title varchar(10),
birthday Datetime,
depid int(10),
foreign key(depid) references department(depid)

create table salary(
empid int(10) primary key,
basesalary Float,
titlesalary Float,
deduction Float
insert into department values(111,'生產部',null),(222,'銷售部',null),(333,'人事部',null);
insert into emoloyee values(1001,'張三','男','高階工程師','1975-1-1',111),(1002,'李四','女','助工','1985-1-1',111),(1003,'王五','男','工程師','1978-11-11',222),(1004,'趙六','男','工程師','1979-1-1',222);
insert into salary values(1001,2200,1100,200),(1002,1200,200,100),(1003,1900,700,200),(1004,1950,700,150);
update salary set basesalary=1700,titlesalary=600 where empid=(select empid from emoloyee where name='李四');
delete from department where depid=333;
select empid as '僱員編號',basesalary+titlesalary-deduction as '實發工資',basesalary+titlesalary as '應發工資' from salary;
select * from employee where name like '張%' and (year(curdate())-year(birthday))<40;
select e.name,s.basesalary from employee e,salary s where depid=(select depid from department where depname='銷售部') and e.empid=s.empid;
select count(title) as '人數',title as '職稱' from employee group by title;


update salary set  basesalary=1700,titlesalary=600 where empid = (select empid from emoloyee where name = '李四')

delete from  department where depname = '人事部'


select empid '僱員編號',(basesalary+titlesalary-deduction)  '實發工資',(basesalary+titlesalary)  '應發工資'
from salary;

select empid,name,sex,title,birthday from emoloyee where name like '張%' and (year(sysdate())-year(birthday))<40

select  year(sysdate())-year(birthday)  from emoloyee

select d.depname,e.name,s.basesalary from department d,emoloyee e,salary s 
where d.depid = e.depid  and s.empid = e.empid and  d.depname ='銷售部'

select count(1) from emoloyee group by title

select name,num from goods where name like '%i_'  order by num desc


select max(num),min(num),sum(num) from goods

select number '教工號',depno '部門號' from teacher where address like '%北京%'

select number,name from teacher where salary = (select max(salary) from teacher)

select number from teacher where salary between 2500 and 4000

select t.name,t.sex,t.salary from teacher t,department d where d.depno = t.depno  and d.depname='網路技術系'

select avg(salary),sex from teacher group by sex

create view teacher_view as select number,name,depno,salary from teacher;

select salary from teacher_view where name = 'lucy'

update teacher set salary= salary+300 where depno = 603


select t.name,d.depname from teacher t,department d where d.depno = t.depno and t.sex = '男'


select sname from student where sname like '%龍%';

select sname from student where birthday < '2016-02-01' order by id

select count(id) from student where  birthday > '2016-02-02'


select count(m.id) from myclass m ,student s where s.cid = m.id  group by m.id
select count(id) from myclass where id in (select  distinct m.id from myclass m ,student s where s.cid = m.id )

select count(id),cname from myclass where id in (select  distinct m.id from myclass m ,student s where s.cid = m.id ) group by id

select count(s.cid),m.cname from myclass m ,student s where s.cid = m.id  group by m.id  having   count(s.cid)>2

select m.cname from myclass m ,student s where s.cid = m.id  group by m.id  having   count(s.cid)>2

select sname from student where id in (1,2);

select sname from student where cid = (select distinct m.id from student s,myclass m where s.cid = m.id and s.sname = '觀世音')  and sname !='觀世音'

select m.id from student s,myclass m where s.cid = m.id

select id,sname,birthday from student limit 4,2

select s.sname,m.cname,m.cteacher from student s,myclass m where s.cid = m.id

select s.sname,m.cname,m.cteacher from student s right join myclass m  on s.cid = m.id