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參看論文:Fast and robust 3D ultrasound registration – Block and game theoretic matching

期刊水平:Medical imaging analysis (MIA)

投稿單位:伊拉斯謨醫學院 計算醫學中心

文章作者設計了一種全域性稠密塊匹配的跟蹤演算法,原理是序列配準,核心是幾何約束下的outliers reject策略。

1. 摘要

Real-time 3D US has potential for image guidance in minimally invasive liver interventions. However, motion caused by patient breathing makes it hard to visualize a localized area, and to maintain alignment with pre-operative information. In this work we develop a fast affine registration framework to compensate in real-time for liver motion/displacement due to breathing. The affine registration of two consecutive ultrasound volumes in time is performed using block-matching. For a set of evenly distributed points in one volume and their correspondences in the other volume, we propose a robust outlier rejection method to reject false matches. The inliers are then used to determine the affine transformation. The approach is evaluated on 13 4D ultrasound sequences acquired from 8 subjects. For 91 pairs of 3D ultrasound volumes selected from these sequences, a mean registration error of 1.8 mm is achieved. A graphics processing unit (GPU) implementation runs the 3D US registration at 8 Hz.


2. 背景

1.1 臨床動機

Replacing classical surgical interventions by minimally invasive alternatives is beneficial for the patient and the health care system, as it has large potential for reducing complication rates, minimizing surgical trauma, and reducing hospital stay. The minimally invasive character, however, makes these interventions challenging for the clinician. There is no direct eyesight on the target region and conventional interventional imaging modalities have limited capabilities. Furthermore the user interfacing and interaction with the equipment involved often is not ergonomically well-designed, and does not match the interventional work flow well. Image guidance is crucial in minimally invasive interventions. Image guidance can be based on preoperative imaging data (mostly magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography) or intraoperative imaging data (X-ray, ultrasound). Hybrid approaches can also be useful, in which the diagnostic quality of preoperative images can be combined with the real-time nature of intraoperative images (also known as fusion imaging).

Four dimensional (4D) ultrasound (US) is a relatively novel imaging modality that currently is mainly used for diagnosis.

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and the transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) procedure are examples of percutaneous minimally invasive image-guided interventions which are used more and more as alternative to surgical procedures. 4D US has large potential in assisting the clinicians in these procedures, as it provides real-time three dimensional (3D) vision. During these procedures the clinician often holds the US probe steady to visualize a localized area in the liver US volume. Breathing shifts the region of interest and makes it difficult to constantly focus on a region of interest, more so in the presence of a catheter. The purpose of our work is to develop a technique suited for fast 3D ultrasound registration during image guided minimally invasive intervention to compensate breathing motion. In addition, our approach would help in keeping the registration up to date in US fusion imaging.

1.2 相關工作


Image registration is the process of aligning two or more frames of the same or similar scene. The basic input data to the
registration process are two images: the fixed image and the moving image.These approaches are either feature-based
or intensity-based. Intensity-based methods compare intensity patterns in images via similarity metrics, registering either images or sub images. If sub images are registered, centers of corresponding sub images are treated as corresponding feature points. 影象配準是指對齊兩個或多個具有相同或相似的場景的幀。配準過程需要輸入兩張影象,參考影象和移動影象。這一類方法可以分為基於特徵和基於灰度的配準方法。基於灰度的方法需要通過相似性度量計算兩個影象灰度模式之間的距離。配準可以再影象和影象子塊之間進行。

  • 相似性度量

誤差平方和 Sum of Square Different SSD; 絕對誤差和 Sum of absolut Different, SAD; 歸一化互相關 Normalization Cross-correlation. 互資訊 Mutual Information, MI.

互資訊提出文獻:Mattes, D., Haynor, D.R., Vesselle, H., Lewellyn, T.K., Eubank, W., 2001. Nonrigid multimodality image registration, pp. 1609–1620. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.431046.

互資訊最適合用於US-US配準:Kaar, M., Figl, M., Hoffmann, R., Birkfellner, W., Hummel, J., Stock, M., Georg, D., Goldner, G., 2013. Automatic patient alignment system using 3D ultrasound. Med. Phys. 40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.4795129.

Vijayan研究了4D超聲序列離線分段配準的工作:Vijayan, S., Klein, S., Hofstad, E., Lindseth, F., Ystgaard, B., Lang, T., 2013. Validation of a non-rigid registration method for motion compensation in 4D ultrasound of the liver. In: IEEE ISBI2013. Work done in collaboration with NTNU/SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway.

  • 特徵描述

基於屬性向量:Foroughi, P., Abolmaesumi, P., Hashtrudi-Zaad, K., 2006. Intra-subject elastic registration of 3D ultrasound images. Med. Image Anal. 10, 713–725.

基於資訊理論的特徵描述子:Wang, Z.W., Slabaugh, G.G., Unal, G.B., Fang, T., 2007. Registration of ultrasound images using an information-theoretic feature detector. In: ISBI, pp. 736–739.

3D SIFT描述子:

Ni, D., Chui, Y.P., Qu, Y., Yang, X.S., Qin, J., Wong, T.T., Ho, S.S.H., Heng, P.A., 2009. Reconstruction of volumetric ultrasound panorama based on improved 3D sift. Comp. Med. Imag. Graph. 33, 559–566.

Skibbe, H., Reisert, M., Schmidt, T., Brox, T., Ronneberger, O., Burkhardt, H., 2012. Fast rotation invariant 3D feature computation utilizing efficient local neighborhood operators. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 34, 1563–1575.

區域性相位描述子:Grau, V., Becher, H., Noble, J.A., 2007. Registration of multiview real-time 3-D echocardiographic sequences. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 26, 1154–1165.
基於混合特徵配準:Cifor, A., Risser, L., Chung, D., Anderson, E., Schnabel, J., 2013. Hybrid feature-based diffeomorphic registration for tumor tracking in 2-D liver ultrasound images. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 32, 1647–1656. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ TMI.2013.2262055.


基於小波特徵的多視角融合:Rajpoot, K., Noble, J.A., Grau, V., Szmigielski, C., Becher, H., 2009. Multiview RT3D echocardiography image fusion. In: FIMH, pp. 134–143.

SSD+灰度特徵:Øye, O.K., Wein, W., Ulvang, D.M., Matre, K., Viola, I., 2012. Real time image-based tracking of 4D ultrasound data. In: MICCAI (1), pp. 447–454.

特徵對齊:Schneider, R.J., Perrin, D.P., Vasilyev, N.V., Marx, G.R., del Nido, P.J., Howe, R.D., 2012. Real-time image-based rigid registration of three-dimensional ultrasound. Med. Image Anal. 16, 402–414.

2.3 靈感來源及貢獻

Our ultrasound registration approach is motivated by methods described in ultrasound speckle tracking literature, see Harris et al. (2010). A speckle pattern contains densely positioned targets created by the interaction of ultrasonic beams and the tissue.
In an ideal scenario, if all the speckle patterns are tracked accurately, the speckle pattern correspondences can be used to estimate the transformation. However in practice not all of the speckle patterns will be tracked well, e.g. because of acoustic shadowing or due to motion decorrelation。


Liang, T., Yung, L.S., Yu, W., 2013. On feature motion decorrelation in ultrasound speckle tracking. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 32, 435–448.

To address these issues and to remove false matches, we employ a matching approach, inspired by game theory, to retain only pairs that have been matched correctly. This outlier rejection is formulated in a game theoretic framework. Speed is an important aspect of our application, and a matching strategy reduces over reliance on selecting the speckle patterns.


In this work, we propose a novel, fast solution to the 3D ultrasound liver registration problem. Our contributions are fourfold: first, we integrate a fast outlier rejection approach to improve the result of a block-matching approach, second, we develop a method to use both the geometric consistency and the appearance information from block-matching to reject outliers, third, the (non-homogeneous quadratic) optimization function of the outlier rejection module is mapped to a homogeneous quadratic function to be solved efficiently using replicator dynamics, and fourth, we perform an extensive evaluation on real 3D imaging data. Finally, we demonstrate that the method is able to perform registrations at 8 Hz.



3.離群排斥策略中的非齊次二次函式被對映到齊次二次優化問題,並使用 Replicator Dynamics進行求解;



3. 作者的測試結果


圖1: 左邊一列是配準之後的結果;中間的是參考影象;右邊的是浮動影象。我們能夠初步得出幾條結論:






參看論文:Fast and robust 3D ultrasound registration – Block and game theoretic matching 期刊水平:Medical imaging analysis (MIA) 投稿單位:伊拉斯謨醫學院 計算醫


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