1. 程式人生 > >【changyanmanman的專欄】I just want to know more about the world.

【changyanmanman的專欄】I just want to know more about the world.


姓名:lyg ------------------------------ 地點:上海----------------------------- 職位:ebs dba ----------------------- email:[email protected]


changyanmanman專欄I just want to know more about the world.

個人資訊 姓名:lyg ------------------------------ 地點:上海----------------------------- 職位:ebs dba ----------------------- email:[email prot

I just want to AC you~~~

複習C++ Prime 4th的時候,看見書上對/和%操作符有以下描述: For both division (/) and modulus(%), when both operands are positive, the result is posit

墮落獸人的專欄A good developer should know that development is not just programming; a great developer should know that development i

A good developer should know that development is not just programming; a great developer should know...

Benson的專欄Learning, staying up to date, and working on the latest and greatest in languages and APIs is what k

Learning, staying up to date, and working on the latest and greatest in languages and APIs is what k

jason的專欄It is easier to find your bugs if you take it slow.Actually taking it slow is faster in the long run

It is easier to find your bugs if you take it slow.Actually taking it slow is faster in the long run

線段樹I Hate It

程序 printf 處理 其中 bmi ott 學生 ref 兩個 I Hate It Time Limit: 9000/3000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Sub

算法分析與設計第一周121.Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock&122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

部分 簡化 是我 -i 復雜 style 代碼 求一個 時間 原題來自:121:https://leetcode.com/problems/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock/description/ 122:https://leetcode.c



線段樹HUD1698:Just a Hook

cst more hide ins while code value spa for Description In the game of DotA, Pudge’s meat hook is actually the most horrible th

貪心演算法49. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

49. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day&n

閱讀筆記Applying Deep Learning To Airbnb Search

Applying Deep Learning To Airbnb Search Airbnb Inc. [email protected] 2018年10月25日 ABSTRACT 最初使用 gradient boosted decision tree model 來做

Netty 專欄深入淺出 Netty write

把資料返回客戶端,需要經歷三個步驟: 1、申請一塊快取buf,寫入資料。 2、將buf儲存到ChannelOutboundBuffer中。 3、將ChannelOutboundBuffer中的buff輸出到socketChannel中。   public void c

Karler 專欄 DvlpOkHttp retrofit2 極簡封裝,極簡接入。

DvlpOkHttp retrofit2 極簡封裝,極簡接入。 範例請求URL http://wanandroid.com/article/list/0/json" 對應json { “data”:{ “curPage”:1, “offset”:0, “over”:

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這道題需要exgcd的基礎 POJ的題幹描述十分噁心 Strange Way to Express Integers Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 131072K Total Submissions: 21217 A

mysql錯誤SELECT command denied to user 'longfor_read'@'id地址' for table 'help_topic'

線上錯誤提示: SELECT command denied to user 'longfor_read'@'id地址' for table 'help_topic'; 原因:mysql使用者沒有執行查詢help_topic表的許可權,需要root使用者授權。 解決方案: # ./mysql -uroo

論文閱讀Clustering Convolutional Kernels to Compress Deep Neural Networks

文章:Clustering Convolutional Kernels to Compress Deep Neural Networks 連結:http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ECCV_2018/papers/Sanghyun_Son_Clustering_Kern

I want to know a little more.

序:如何保證kafka全域性訊息有序?   比如,有100條有序資料,生產者傳送到kafka叢集,kafka的分片有4個,可能的情況就是一個分片儲存0-25,一個儲存25-50......這樣訊息在kafka中儲存是區域性有序了。嚴格說,kafka是無法保證全域性訊息有序的

HDU 1754I Hate It

Problem  Description: 很多學校流行一種比較的習慣。老師們很喜歡詢問,從某某到某某當中,分數最高的是多少。 這讓很多學生很反感。 不管你喜不喜歡,現在需要你做的是,就是按照老師的要求,寫一個程式,模擬老師的詢問。當然,老師有時候需要更新某位同學的成績

Just want to say THANK YOU!! πŸ’–πŸ˜Š – Ping Wong ηŽ‹ε˜‰ε± – Medium

Just want to say THANK YOU!!Β πŸ’–πŸ˜ŠI did not win the HKIRC/Β .hk election and stepped down as Director of HKIRC last Thu. The past 3 years of volunteeri

nickwong & nickwang I see

打過ACM的Geek 喜歡各種折騰 研發各種小工具 偏離文藝的道路越來越遠0.0 Blogging is a time-consuming work, and sometimes I did’t even have time to open my website. But I think it’s als