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AI is transforming P&L data

AI is transforming the classification and analysis of P&L data for tax and reporting purposes. EY Alert, our automated ledger review (ALERT) tool, uses machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, to transform the classification of transaction-level data for a variety of tax and reporting purposes. Find out more at http://ey.com/uk/eyalert


AI is transforming P&L data

AI is transforming the classification and analysis of P&L data for tax and reporting purposes. EY Alert, our automated ledger review (ALERT) tool, uses

Part II: How Adoption Of AI Is Transforming Financial Sector In Modern Times?

In the previous blog, we learned about the existing innovative AI-powered applications active across leading banking and finance institutes. Now let's take

How AI Is Transforming Software Testing

Over the past decade, technologies have evolved drastically, but one aspect that remains constant is human testers' interaction with them. The same holds t

Data Digest: AI, Big Data Analytics, and Security; More AI Apps Transforming Data with Intelligence

How AI, machine learning, and big data analytics can help cybersecurity, and examples of real applications for AI and machine learning. A new survey indica


上一講我們大致講了如何繪製ply。但是這還不夠,你得到的東西看起來就像是一個顏色塊。這是因為這個世界沒有光,我們要加上光照的效果。為此,我們在Init函式裡這樣設定 glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); 這樣我們開啟了光照功能,並啟動了light

Marketers Know AI Is the Future, But Do They Understand AI Today?

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How AI Is Reinventing the Relationship Between Banks, Credit Cards, and Consumers

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How One Blockchain Startup is Transforming Travel and Increasing Accessibility in Cities

How One Blockchain Startup is Transforming Travel and Increasing AccessibilityWe all know that social networks and digital content distribution is controll

AI is the only way to plan and run a dense 5G network, says AT&T

The challenges that operators face when trying to densify their outdoor networks are well documented. It is tough to gain access to the right sites without

Camels, Code & Lab Coats: How AI Is Advancing Science and Medicine

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already a part of our everyday lives – from search, to translate, to finding all the dog photos we've ever taken. Soon, it

Infographic: Machines vs. Humans How AI is Beating Humanity

Can machines beat humanity at its own game? As Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology grows smarter each day, the line separating humans and machines is b

Facebook's AI is writing short stories and they actually make sense

Many of the?America's leading mental health professionals have concluded, based on Donald Trump's public behavior, that he is emotionally and psychological

5 ways industrial AI is revolutionizing manufacturing

There's no doubt that the manufacturing sector is leading the way in the application of artificial intelligence technology. From significant cuts in unplan

Digitalisation and AI is changing the buying experience, says study

The global study, carried out by Hanover Research on behalf of PROS, a provider of AI-powered solutions, reveals the expectations and digital initiatives o

How Investing in AI is About Investing in People, Not Just Technology

How is your organization preparing for artificial intelligence (AI)? Ask this question of businesses investing in this field today, and the answer almost a

How AI is revolutionizing manufacturing

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are transforming the manufacturing industry. According to a report released late last year by the World Econom

Why AI is the new frontier in the battle to treat the male mental health crisis

Called HARR-e, it was born off the back of groundbreaking research that revealed that British men are 300pc more likely to confide in AI than humans about

How AI Is Changing The Future Of Medicine [Video]

With its associated costs at an all-time high in the U.S., healthcare stands to gain more from the potential benefits of AI than any other economic sector.

Current state of AI is poorly understood by the public

The general public is poorly informed about the current state of AI technologies, and researchers and the journalists who cover their work are doing a poor

Why AI Is the Next Frontier in Weaponized Social Media

When P.W. Singer set out to write a book about military use of social media in 2013, he couldn't have known exactly what kind of rabbit hole he was enterin