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Introduction to Time Series Forecasting With Python

I believe my books offer thousands of dollars of education for tens of dollars each.

They are months if not years of experience distilled into a few hundred pages of carefully crafted and well-tested tutorials.

I think they are a bargain for professional developers looking to rapidly build skills in applied machine learning or use machine learning on a project.

Also, what are skills in machine learning worth to you? to your next project? and you’re current or next employer?

Nevertheless, the price of my books may appear expensive if you are a student or if you are not used to the high salaries for developers in North America, Australia, UK and similar parts of the world. For that, I am sorry.


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About my Books

My books are playbooks.

They are intended for developers who want to know how to use a specific library to actually solve problems and deliver value at work.

  • My books guide you only through the elements you need to know in order to get results.
  • My books are in PDF format and come with code and datasets, specifically designed for you to read and work-through on your computer.
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  • My books are a tiny business expense for a professional developer that can be charged to the company and is tax deductible in most regions.

Very few training materials on machine learning are focused on how to get results.

The vast majority are about repeating the same math and theory and ignore the one thing you really care about: how to use the methods on a project.

Comparison to Other Options

Let me provide some context for you on the pricing of the books:

There are free videos on youtube and tutorials on blogs.

There are very cheap video courses that teach you one or two tricks with an API.

  • My books teach you how to use a library to work through a project end-to-end and deliver value, not just a few tricks

A textbook on machine learning can cost $50 to $100.

  • All of my books are cheaper than the average machine learning textbook, and I expect you may be more productive, sooner.

A bootcamp or other in-person training can cost $1000+ dollars and last for days to weeks.

  • A bundle of all of my books is far cheaper than this, they allow you to work at your own pace, and the bundle covers more content than the average bootcamp.


Introduction to Time Series Forecasting With Python

I believe my books offer thousands of dollars of education for tens of dollars each. They are months if not years of experience distilled into a few hundre

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程式碼工程地址: https://github.com/jiabaodan/Direct12BookReadingNotes 學習目標 理解本章中針對命令佇列的更新(不再需要每幀都flush命令佇列),提高效能; 理解其他兩種型別的根訊號引數型別:根描述

Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 學習筆記之 --- 第六章:在Direct3D中繪製

程式碼工程地址: https://github.com/jiabaodan/Direct12BookReadingNotes 學習目標 熟悉Direct3D介面的定義,儲存和繪製幾何資料 ; 學習編寫基本的頂點和畫素著色器; 學習使用渲染流水線狀態

Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 學習筆記之 --- 第五章:渲染流水線

學習目標 瞭解幾個用以表達真實場景的標誌和2D影象的深度空間; 學習在Direct3D中如何表示3D物體; 學習如何模擬虛擬攝像機; 理解渲染流水線:如何用幾何描述的3D場景渲染出2D影象; 1 3D幻覺 如何在2D平面(顯示器)上產生

Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 學習筆記之 --- 第四章:Direct 3D初始化

學習目標 對Direct 3D程式設計在3D硬體中扮演的角色有基本瞭解; 理解COM在Direct 3D中扮演的角色; 學習基本的圖形學概念,比如儲存2D影象、頁面切換,深度緩衝、多重紋理對映和CPU與GPU如何互動; 學習如何使用效能計數函式讀取高精度時間;

Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 學習筆記之 --- 第三章:變換

學習目標 理解如何用矩陣表示線性變換和仿射變換; 學習在座標系中縮放,旋轉和移動幾何體; 學習利用矩陣的乘法合併幾個變換矩陣; 學習如何在座標系之間轉換,並且表示為轉換矩陣;斜體樣式 學習如何利用DirectX Math庫提供的方法構造轉換矩陣。

Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 學習筆記之 --- 第二章:矩陣代數

學習目標: 理解矩陣和與它相關的運算; 理解矩陣的乘法如何被看成是線性組合; 理解單位矩陣、轉置矩陣、矩陣的行列式和逆矩陣; 熟悉DirectX Math庫中矩陣相關的類和函式; 1 矩陣的定義 一個m x n的矩陣M是一個有實陣列成的